chapter two.

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❞The name of my legal guardian is Bruce Wayne❞

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❞The name of my legal guardian is Bruce Wayne❞


SHE SMILED AS THE SYSTEM came online. She'd installed her first-ever A.I onto the specs, ELARA, and right now ELARA had hacked into the system that was working in the cave. Alex's eyes moved frantically behind the specs, simultaneously trying to make sure Oliver and Bruce didn't notice her eyes and trying to make sure the system didn't notice ELARA hacking in. 

"What is she going to do?" Oliver asked and Elara stopped hacking and Alex went back to their conversation, "Is she going to be put into the Justice League straight away or in the Young Justice?"

"Considering her age she should be put into Young Justice but... considering her lack of senior superhero she should be put into the Justice League," Bruce murmured, he glanced at Alex over his shoulder, finding that she was already looking at him, "It'd be better to start with the Young Justice team, getting you accustomed to the new universe is important, and after we've done that we can induct you into the Justice League..."

She nodded, "So... I won't have to be a sidekick?"

"Bold of you to assume someone would want you as a sidekick."

She narrowed her eyes at Oliver, "Is it your hobby to argue with children or just a bad habit?"

Oliver grinned, "Bad habit."

She rolled her eyes, he's just like Barton. Bruce cleared his throat, "We can find you a mentor, we can't just expect you to learn from your peers in the Young Justice team -"

"Yeah because all of them are knuckleheads who don't know how to follow orders," Oliver huffed, "They've been getting into trouble all over the place, and judging from your personality kid we don't need you more rule-breaking."

She grinned, "Aw shucks, thanks!"

Oliver narrowed his eyes, "That was not a compliment."

She didn't respond, instead, she turned to Bruce, "So who's going to mentor me?'

"Well it depends on who your mentor was before this... and if you didn't have an assigned mentor then I'd suggest someone like your father," Bruce said, "Didn't you say he was a hero as well? So maybe someone who fits his personality would be best."

She snorted, "Funny, everyone who knew my father would always say that I'd be better off getting taught by someone completely different than him."

Oliver raised an eyebrow, "How is your father like?"

"Philanthropist, billionaire, playboy," She said, she'd memorized her father's two-liner introduction due to his habit of saying it all the time, "Always equipped with sarcasm, undeniable confidence in his abilities and looks... he's always called an asshole."

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