Chapter 13: Ben

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*Ben's POV*

Why had he been so stupid? Why had I been so stupid? If I had just opened the door earlier. If I had just said something to him after the show. If I had .... So many ifs.

But the only certainty right now is that Danny is lying in front of me attached to various machines. Mechanical lungs and various drips of liquid are what is keeping him alive right now.

I have to tell him. If he wakes up I'm going to tell him... What am I talking about, yet another if. He will wake up. He has to. I need him to. I just need him.

I reached out and held his hand. His skin felt so soft against my calused fingers. His pale face was gaunt, he looked so sick. As if he has been this way for a long time. How had I not noticed? His ginger beard was matted, with my free hand I combed my fingers through it in a futile attempt at smoothing it.

A weak hand squeezed mine.




"Yeah here"

I held the glass up to his lips, some dribbled down his chin. I put the glass down and reached up and wiped his chin, my hand trailing across his jaw. I moved my thumb over his lips and delicately traced them. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

He opened his eyes and began to lean forward. I leant in towards him, closing my eyes. I felt his beard against my chin before his chapped lips collided with mine. It was gentle, our lips moulded perfectly. His hand tangled in hair pulling me closer, I climbed into the bed and stradelled his waist. I reached up my hand and caressed his face, his pale skin cold against my hand. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. After several minutes we pulled apart, gasping for breath.

"Ben, I love you"

"I love you too Danny"

Enough love in your heart to burst like a fucking supernova (Brusnop)Where stories live. Discover now