Chapter 5: Danny

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*Danny's POV*

I found him in an alley. The sight of him crouching down crying his eyes out destroyed me. It was my fault he was in this state. I tried to reach out to help him but he flinched away. He was scared of me. I'm a monster.

I'm a monster.


He ignored me.

"Benny please" I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Benji please. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

I sat down next to the shaking vulnerable"' figure. I stretched my arms out and hugged his frail body. I felt him shudder at my touch.

"Please tell me what's wrong, I can't stand seeing you like this. It's killing me."

"Danny, I'm in love."

"There I said it. That's the problem. That's whats making me depressed. I love someone who I can never have. Ever. They don't love me back and they never will."

He broke free from my arms and stood up.

"Ben wait"

He walked off, leaving me sitting in the empty alley.

Wow. That's a hit. Benjamin Paul Bruce in love? It hurts. Knowing he's so in love with someone who's destroying him while I sit here in need of his touch.

A guy wearing a leather cloak strolled down the alley. I know his type. I know what he has. "Hey mate, you got some stuff?" Mustering the only voice I could.

"Who are you?"

"Just some desperate rockstar needing a temporary escape."

"If you have the cash I've got just what you need."

I felt in my pocket and pulled out a roll of notes. In return he gave me a little plastic bag.


I trudged back to the bus Ben was nowhere to be seen. I deposited the package under my pillow and headed to the venue ready for soundcheck.

This was going to be a long day.

Enough love in your heart to burst like a fucking supernova (Brusnop)Where stories live. Discover now