Chapter 4: Ben

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*Ben's POV*

Hmm, I kinda wish he did take longer in the shower. It would give me the excuse to go in and see him naked. I've seen him naked before, in fact I've watched him have sex in the same room as me. We're shameless here on the Asking Alexandria bus. Besides me and him both have nudes all over the internet ... so alot of fans have seen our dicks too. I guess it's a small price to pay for being a rockstar.

Danny bustled out of the bathroon a towel wrapped around his waist. I darted in desperate for a piss. I may as well take a shower while I'm here. I strip off and start the water.

Getting in I recall the events of last night. It was perfect. I just wish I could spend every night wrapped in Danny's arms. Showers are an amazing place to daydream. I turn off the water and step out.

After getting changed I headed outside for a cigarette. "Hey, you alright today?" Danny walked over to me and took a cigarette from the pack.

"Yeah, much better." Lies.

"So, you gonna tell me what the fuck upset my Benji so much?"

"Danny, I don't know."

"Know what? You've been acting down and not yourself for ages now, you must know why. Please tell me."

"Danny, I don't know what to tell you. It's difficult to explain."

"Are you ill Benny, is that what's wrong?"

"No Danny, I'm fine."

"Then what is it?" His voice was starting to get louder.

I shook my head.

"Ben tell me." His voice was louder and more aggressive.

"Danny I can't."

"Benjamin Bruce, tell me what the fuck is wrong wih you.'' He shouted.

It terrified me. I dropped my cigarette and ran. Out of the parking lot down unknown streets. We just arrived in this city, I'm not even sure where we are. "Ben come back." I could hear him shouting after me. I ran faster, darting down random roads until I reached a deserted alleyway.

My breathin was erratic, my heart thumped heavily in my chest. I leant against the cold, stone wall and sunk to my knees. I clutched my chest gasping for air.

His footsteps grew louder and started to slow.

I could see his boots through my messy hair.

I didn't move. I couldn't move.

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