Chapter 3: Danny

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*Danny's POV*

I woke up. My arms wrapped around a slim, topless body. Oh no, did I forget to make the slut leave. I carefully open my eyes, to assess the situation. Oh my. How did I forget? I lay on a tiny bunk my arms wrapped tightly around a beautiful man. I kissed his forhead then drifted back to sleep with a smile etched on my lips.

I awoke again as the figure I was cuddling shuffled around in my arms. As I opened my eyes I was met with the sight of crystal blue ones. Our gazes locked for what felt like hours before the curtain was pulled open.

"Oh erm hi, sorry" An awkward looking Cam stood there.

"Ben I was wondering can I borrow your portable amp... If thats ok?"

"Umm yeah sure it's in the lounge area." He spoke with a croaky morning voice which I found quite arousing. Oh no, not now.

Cam left shutting the curtain leaving me and Ben in an awkward state.

"I'd better go shower." I was reluctant to leave but I had a situation in my boxers that I couldn't let Ben notice. I mean he's straight and it would be way too awkward to explain. I got up and headed to the bathroom making sure my back was to him at all times.

I entered the tiny bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped out of my boxers and let my body relax under the constant stream of hot water. I began to rememeber last nights events and tried to make sense of my actions.

I wasn't completly sober when it happened, I suppose I could use that as an excuse. I was only in boxers cause I'd just finished with a girl. Somethig I don't really enjoy anymore. I don't think I ever really did. I used to fuck them because I'm a rockstar, it's what I'm supposed to do but secretly I wish I could have Ben. I'm straight, all except for my love for my best friend. Ever since the first day I met him I've been madly in live with him but I could never tell anyone that. I suppose you could call me Brusexual. I love girls and Ben Bruce. The thought of him lying in his bunk wearing only his boxers makes me want to go out here right now completly naked and make out with him, not caring who sees. Oh, his morning voice ... I feel myself gettig excited.

I hear a knock at the door. "Danny hurry up I have to piss."

"Oh so charming" I call back.

"Don't deny it, you know you think I'm charming."

Yes. Yes, I do.

"Just for that comment I'm going to take longer in the shower."

"Then i'll just come in and take a piss anyway."

Oh no he can't do that. I mean he's seen me naked before but his time I feel different.

"Ugh, give me two minutes Benji, i'll just dry off and get changed then it's all yours."

I'm all yours...

I wish.

Enough love in your heart to burst like a fucking supernova (Brusnop)Where stories live. Discover now