Camille Francis, a half blood Slytherin, and Sirius Black, a pure blood Gryffindor , have never in the slightest liked each other. But will all that change when Sirius Black's brother is in need of both peoples help?
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CAMILLE stepped out of the carriage that had made its way to Hogwarts. She looked up at the school, whose lights shone in the dark night. It was late when the students arrived at Hogwarts, so the teachers did the best they could into getting everyone settled quickly.
Camille walked into the school, surrounded by fellow students as they all entered the Great Hall. It was nicely decorated and welcoming, so that the first years would feel at home. Though, Camille had been at Hogwarts for quite a few years, she thought she'd never get used to the floating candles and night sky.
She sat down at the Slytherin table, distancing herself from any other Slytherins, which she prayed would work. But, with her luck, Severus Snape took a spot right next to her. She groaned and rolled her eyes, turning her body towards the front of the Hall, so to face the teachers.
"Problem, Francis?" Snape scowled. Camille turned slightly so her head turned towards Snape.
"Would you just shut it?" she spoke harshly, making a disgusted face. Snape scoffed.
"You started it." he said. Camille just ignored him, knowing that if she were to say any more it would probably make it worse. She turned back towards the teachers, who were now surrounded by nervous and excited first years. Camille always found this part of the evening quite boring and was anticipating the arrival of the food. She tapped her foot again as she propped her elbow up on the table and leaned her cheek on her hand.
"Ay, quite tapping!" Snape told her. Camille whipped her head around towards him.
"Didn't I tell you to shut it?" Camille said. Snape opened his mouth to say something before he was cut off.
"Leave her alone, would you?" Regulus Black asked from a few seats away, obviously hearing the commotion. Snape gave Regulus a threatening look before deciding to back off.
Once the ceremony finally ended, an array of food appeared in front of the students. Gasps and giggles were heard from shocked first years and most other people just started to eat.
Camille had a few bites of food before deciding to head off to the dorms. She looked around seeing that some of the older students already started to leave. She stood up from her seat and exited the Great Hall.
"Oi, Francis." someone called. Camille looked towards the source of the voice and spotted four boys coming her way. The same boys from the station, but this time Sirius Black joined them.
"Snivellus giving you problems?" James asked.
"Why would he be giving her problems, both as evil as each other." Sirius chuckled, looking to earn a laugh from his friends.
"Shut up, Black." Camille said, clenching her fists. Sirius walked up closer to Camille.
"Yeah, or what, Francis?" he spat.
"Oh, shove off, Sirius. Leave her." another boy spoke. Sirius turned to see his brother Regulus.
"Come on, Sirius, let's go." Remus said grabbing Sirius' arm and trying to drag him away.
"Course, Regulus Black comes to the Slytherins aid." Sirius insulted. Remus yanked his friends arm and gave him a threatening look. Sirius scowled at Camille again before letting Lupin drag him away.
"Sorry, 'bout him. Bit stubborn." Regulus said.
"Yeah, don't always need your help though." Camille said as the two walked towards their dorms. Camille stopped for a second to lean against a wall to take a breath. She looked down at her feet and let out a sigh.
"Seems like you do." Regulus said, looking at her. She looked back up at him and chuckled.
"What would your family say about you getting friendly with a half-blood, hm?" Camille asked. Regulus let out a breathy chuckle and shook his head.
"Haven't been caught yet, have we?" Regulus asked.
"Say that as if we're dating, Black. Got something to tell me?" Camille joked.
"I'm just saying, we've been friends all these years and no one seems to notice." Regulus corrected. Camille sighed and pushed herself off the wall. Her and Regulus started towards the dorms again.
"Yeah, well, if you keep saving my ass people might start to think somethings up." Camille said as the two reached the door leading down to the dungeons.
Regulus spoke the password out loud before the door swung up. The two walked through and down the steps to the Slytherin common room. A few other Slytherins, mostly fourth years and up, sat around lounging in the common room. Some sat at the large, round wooden table scribbling onto parchment and others sat on the couch chatting with their friends.
Regulus and Camille parted ways with a friendly nod as Regulus walked over to the couch spotting some of his friends. Camille looked around to see if she could see any familiar faces. Soon enough her eyes landed on a friend seated at a table.
Camille walked over to table sitting down at an empty seat next to her friend. The girl looked up at Camille and smiled. She closed the book she was reading.
"Hi, Verity." Camille greeted.
"Hello, Camille." Verity smiled, opening up her book again.
"Enjoy your summer?" Camille asked. Verity nodded, obviously to intrigued by her book. Camille leaned over to see the contents of the book and squinted her eyes taking in the words.
"Did you get this from the restricted section?" Camille asked.
"Sh, don't make it obvious." Verity whispered. "Yes, I did."
Verity smiled proudly as she closed the book again. She turned to Camille and stared at her. Camille rose her eyebrows in confusion. Verity scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"You gonna ask what for?" Verity asked. Camille let out an "oh", before asking the question.
"Well, since I've heard a certain few students were giving you trouble, I decided to take matters into my own hand and research some potions." Verity said.
"God, you're not going to do one of those stupid little pranks like the Marauders, are ya?" Camille asked.
"Course not," Verity said, "it's going to be a lot bigger than little."
Camille chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"So, whatcha got planned?" Camille asked.
"Glad you asked. I'm stuck between Alihotsy Draught or Babbling Beverage." Verity spoke with excitement.
"And those are?" Camille asked.
"Right, yes, well Alihotsy Draught comes from the Alihotsy plant and it causes hysterical laughter for whoever drinks it. I think it'd be quite funny to see mean old Snape uncontrollably laughing on the floor, yeah?" Verity explained. Camille nodded and chuckled.
"And then, Babbling Beverage causes someone to speak nonsense, uncontrollably, though if we were to give that to Sirius Black, nothing much would change." Verity joked.
"Give me time to think, and I'll tell you which one I like better, yeah?" Camille said to her friend. Verity nodded, quickly.
"Shall we head to the dorms? 's getting a little late and don't wanna wake up late for the first day of classes." Camille said, standing up from the seat. Verity stood as well, tucking the book under her arm, subtly hiding the cover.
Verity nodded in agreement as the the two girls headed towards their dorm room.