Camille Francis, a half blood Slytherin, and Sirius Black, a pure blood Gryffindor , have never in the slightest liked each other. But will all that change when Sirius Black's brother is in need of both peoples help?
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CAMILLE walked into the Potions classroom and took her seat at the back of the room. She sighed, pulling her potions book out of her bag and then placing it on the desk in front of her. Other students started to pile into the classroom and take their seats as well.
Camille flipped through some pages of the book in boredom as she waited for the Professor to start talking, which was soon enough.
"Good morning, class. Excited to see you all for the new school year." Professor Slughorn said, pacing around the room. He continued his normal first day lesson, going through the syllabus and the expectations for the school year.
Camille slouched down into her chair and rested her face on her palm, zoning out. Until, she felt a soft object hit her back. She turned around to see Remus Lupin giving her a smile. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. He motioned towards a piece of paper at Camilles feet. She looked down and subtly picked up the paper, unfolding it.
'Sorry about Sirius. He's had a tough summer. Hope everything is well with you. Hogsmeade with us this weekend? - Kiwi '
The note said. Camille chuckled at the nickname she had given him in second year. Remus and Camille had been in potions class together ever since their second year and became friends when Remus accidentally passed a note to Camille instead of one of his other friends. The note was some nonsense over which fruit was the best and Remus chose kiwi. So, Camille decided to play along and sent him back 'I prefer cherries, but we all have opinions.' Remus thought the girls joke was so funny that he laughed out loud and the two of them got detention together. Ever since then, they'd been good friends.
'It's alright, not your fault. I'll think about going to Hogsmeade, might get detention. - Cherry'
Camille looked towards Slughorn, waiting for him to turn his back towards her, and then threw to Remus. Remus opened the note and read it with a smile before scribbling back.
'Ah, so you're up to something. Try not to get caught, yeah? Don't tell the rest but Hogsmeade is always more fun with you. - Kiwi'
Camille smiled and turned back to Remus giving him a joking eye roll. She then turned back towards Slughorn and decided to pay attention for the rest of the lesson.
The class thankfully went by quickly and Camille shoved her book into her bag. She then saw a shadow looming over her and she looked up from her bag.
"What were you and Remus talkin' 'bout?" Sirius asked, defensively. Camille closed her bag and threw it over her shoulder.
"None of your business, Black." Camille said walking towards the exit of the classroom, but before she could make it Sirius stepped in front of her, blocking the doorway.