Camille Francis, a half blood Slytherin, and Sirius Black, a pure blood Gryffindor , have never in the slightest liked each other. But will all that change when Sirius Black's brother is in need of both peoples help?
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CAMILLE STOMPED into her dorm room and slammed her dorm shut. Verity, who was reading peacefully on her own bed, jumped when she heard the sudden noise. She quickly closed her book and looked at her roommate.
"What's wrong?" Verity asked quickly. She placed her book on her bed and motioned for Camille to come join her. Camille sat on the bed beside her friend. She leaned back onto a pillow and sighed.
"Stupid Sirius Black!" Camille nearly shouted. Verity gave her an empathetic look and patted her shoulder.
"What has he done this time?" Verity asked, concerned. Camille shook her head and leaned farther back into her pillow.
"Doesn't matter. Said some horrible things, knew he believed in what his family did." Camille said turning over and shoving her face into her pillow. Verity laid down on the pillow next to her and looked at Camille.
"What about the others? They done anything bad?" Verity asked. Camille mumbled 'no' through the pillow. She used her arms to push herself up then turned leaning against the wall that was behind the bed.
"James tried to defend him, but those two are inseparable, course he tried." Camille said, sadly. Verity smiled sadly.
"And then Remus, poor Remus, looked like he was going to cry. Remus is a half blood, too, 'course he was upset." Camille said, closing her eyes. Suddenly, Verity jumped up and walked over to the dresser. Camille opened her eyes, sat up, and looked at her friend, who was pulling something out of one of the drawers.
"What're getting?" Camille asked. Verity held a small vial that had some sort of blue liquid in it in her hand and closed the drawer. Verity handed the glass to Camille. Camille read the label which said 'Alihotsy Draught'.
"Is this that laughing potion you were talking about?" Camille asked looking at Verity. Verity nodded her head with a proud smile on her face.
"Now we have a real excuse to give that boy a piece of our mind." Verity said. Camille handed the potion back to Verity who put it back to its original place.
"How'd you manage to get it?"Camille asked as Verity returned to her spot next to Camille.
"A good witch never reveals her secrets." Verity winked before lying on the bed. Camille chuckled and laid back next to Verity.
"You know, I'm hanging out with Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, and Lily today. You're always welcome to come. I'm sure they won't mind." Verity suggested. Camille nodded her head, accepting the offer.
"Great," Verity said getting up, "because I was supposed to meet them five minutes ago."
Camille got up with Verity, they both touched their appearances up before heading out of their dorm. They walked to the Great Hall where the girls were laughing, seated at a table.