Camille Francis, a half blood Slytherin, and Sirius Black, a pure blood Gryffindor , have never in the slightest liked each other. But will all that change when Sirius Black's brother is in need of both peoples help?
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THE SCHOOL WEEK passed by very quickly. Since it was only the first week of classes, they were very easy with minimal homework. Camille dressed herself up in her dorm, getting ready to go to Hogsmeade with Remus, Peter, James, and Sirius. She contemplated changing her mind once she found out Sirius was going, but she wasn't going to let him ruin her weekend with her friends. She threw on a light jacket over her clothes before putting on her shoes and leaving her dorm.
She met the four other boys in the Great Hall, who were patiently waiting for her.
"There she is, finally!" James exclaimed once he saw Camille. Peter gave her a meek 'hello'.
"You ready, we've been waiting." Remus said as they stood up from the table they were sitting at. Camille nodded as they all walked out the Hall.
"How were your classes this week?" James asked Camille as they exited the school. They walked down the path on their way to Hogsmeade.
"It was alright, yours?" Camille responded, wrapping her arms around herself. James looked at her.
"They were good. You cold?" James asked her. Camille nodded. She didn't expect it to be this cold outside, but she thought it'd be too late to turn back and get her coat now.
"Course you forgot to bring a coat. It's common sense." Sirius said from next to Remus who was next to Camille. Camille leaned forward so that she could see Sirius from behind Remus.
"Do you ever shut up?" she asked. Remus leaned forward covering Sirius up again and smiling at Camille.
"No fighting please." he begged. Camille rolled her eyes.
"As long as he doesn't pull anything." Camille said.
"Why are you always blaming me?" Sirius asked. Remus gave the two a threatening look, warning them to stop fighting. Sirius sighed and turned to the other side of him where Peter was and started up some conversation about shops in Hogsmeade. Camille shivered as a breeze blew past.
"You really should've brought a coat." James said.
"I know, dad." Camille joked. James and Remus laughed and the three continued to chat until they reached Hogsmeade.
They all finally decided to stop at the Three Broomsticks, after a bit of bickering between Sirius and Camille, first to grab something to eat before going to the other shops. The five sat down at an empty table. They all settled in at the table.
"Fancy a Butterbeer, anyone?" James asked. There was a chorus of 'yes' from the four others and James nodded.
"Moony, would you help me get the drinks?" James asked, standing up. Remus nodded and joined James. They headed towards the bar to get the drinks.
"So, Pete, we haven't talked much all week. How was your summer?" Camille smiled, placing her hands in her lap.
Peter opened his mouth to speak up before Sirius interrupted him.
"He doesn't wanna talk to you." Sirius said. Camille tilted her head and squinted her eyes.
"Let him speak for himself, he's gotta voice." Camille said through gritted teeth. She balled up her fists that were in her lap. Peter looked down at the table, sadly.
"Come on, Pete, tell me how your summer was." Camille said. Peter still looked down at the table, obviously not wanting to partake in the conflict that was occurring.
"You arse, Sirius Black!" Camille exclaimed, standing up from her seat. A few other people in the building glanced at her before going back to whatever they were doing.
"Don't call me an arse, he doesn't wanna talk to you, okay?" Sirius said, also standing up.
"You're so controlling, merlin." Camille said, "I guess it's just in the Black family blood, huh?"
Part of Camille regretted saying that out loud, but the other part thought he deserved it. Sirius' face turned from amusement to anger.
"Don't you ever talk about my family!" he yelled. This time almost the whole Inn was staring at the two.
"You hate 'em anyways, what does it matter?" Camille yelled back. Sirius pounded his fists onto the table, causing Peter to jump up.
"You know nothing about me or my family, you filthy halfblood!" Sirius shouted. James and Remus walked up to the table with their drinks in hand. Sirius was taken aback but what he said.
"I didn't mean that, you guys know I don't believe in that stuff." Sirius apologized, but it was too late. Remus looked at Sirius disappointed.
The owned of the Inn, Madam Rosemerta, walked up to the table.
"You are all disrupting my customers, get out, all of you!" she exclaimed angrily. Peter quickly obliged and stood from his seat, walking towards the exit. Sirius quickly followed after him. James grabbed his coat from his seat after putting down the drinks and guided Camille and Remus out of the Inn. Once the three reached outside, Sirius had already started walking off somewhere.
"Sirius, come back here!" James shouted at Sirius. Sirius ignored James and continued walking off.
"Just let him be." Remus shook his head. "Can't believe he said that."
Peter frowned and looked down at his feet.
"You know he doesn't think like that, he was just angry." James tried to reassure them.
"Yeah, well he still said it." Camille said angrily. Even Remus was angry and upset, since he himself was also a halfblood.
"We leave you alone for just a minute, and you've got us kicked out!" James yelled angrily. Camille looked at James in disbelief.
"That's what your worried about?" Camille asked him. James frowned.
"I just don't understand why you two hate each other so much." James said softly.
"How about you ask Sirius." Camille said shaking her head. She turned around to see that Sirius was nowhere in sight.
"Sirius started it." Peter whispered.
"Pete, no one started it. Don't try and blame him now." James stated.
"Are you really defending Sirius right now?" Remus asked. James pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows.
"No, of course not. We just haven't heard both sides." James said. Camille angrily laughed and shook her head. Without saying anything she walked off.
"Oh, Camille, come on, don't walk away." James shouted at her as she went off. She ignored him and stomped away, heading back to the school.