Camille Francis, a half blood Slytherin, and Sirius Black, a pure blood Gryffindor , have never in the slightest liked each other. But will all that change when Sirius Black's brother is in need of both peoples help?
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CAMILLE MET VERITY in the hallway just outside the Great Hall. They discreetly huddled themselves in a small corner so they couldn't be seen. It was just about to be lunch time and the two girls were discussing their plan for the prank that was about to take place.
"So, I can distract the boys, and while I do that you come in and pour this little vial into Sirius' cup." Verity said, shaking the small vial in here hand. Camille smiled and nodded.
"Great, now I can't keep them all distracted for long so you'll have to be quick, got it?" Verity asked. Camille nodded.
"I need a verbal response." Verity said.
"Yes, I understand the plan." Camille said, rolling her eyes. Verity smiled and passed the vial to Camille. Before Camille could grab it Verity pulled her arm back.
"Oh, and make sure not to inhale the fumes either. Or else the potion will affect you, too." Verity spoke before actually handing the vial to Camille. The two girls watched as students started to make their way into the Great Hall and they followed closely behind when their eyes landed on a certain group of Marauders.
Once the boys sat down and Verity and Camille sat with them. Sirius groaned when he saw that Camille sat next to him and she narrowed his eyes at him. He rolled his eyes and sighed, turning towards his friends.
"Hello, boys." Verity smiled, leaning against Remus who was sat next to her.
"Hi, Verity." Peter said sweetly from on the other side of Verity.
"And to what do we owe the pleasure?" Sirius said sarcastically through gritted teeth.
"Oh, don't act like we aren't great company, Pads." Verity pouted.
"Don't call me that." Sirius said angrily and he pounded his fist on the table/
"Woah, hold your horses there." Verity said throwing her hands up in surrender. Sirius calmed down and placed his now red hand in his lap. For the next few minutes Verity chatted with the boys and Camille tried to find an opening to pour the potion into whatever drink Sirius had in his cup. But, no matter what Sirius always kept his eyes trained on Camille.
Camille looked to Verity and shook her head sighing. She stood up and was about to leave the table until Verity jumped up and stood up on the bench she was standing on.
"Verity, what are you doing?" Remus asking, tugging at her stockings that she wore under her skirt. A few people from the Gryffindor table turned to look at what was happening. James smirked and Peter looked mortified. Sirius still kept his eyes on Camille.
"She's a Killer Queen. Gunpowder, gelatine." Verity started singing. Sirius whipped his head around in confusion and looked at Verity who was now shouted the lyrics of Killer Queen at the top of her lungs in the middle of the Great Hall. Everyone in the hall looked at Verity, including the teachers. Dumbledore sat at the table in the front of the hall secretly laughing to himself, until Mcgonagall stood up and started to walk over to the table. Verity gave Camille a signal while no one was looking and Camille took the chance to pour in the potion into Sirius' drink. Sirius turned his head around and Camille quickly put the empty vial into her pocket.
Sirius scowled at her and picked up his drink and took a sip. Camille inhaled and exhaled in relief, when suddenly a tickling and tingling sensation took over her body. She went wide-eyed realising what had happened. She totally forgot the part where she wasn't supposed to inhale the potion. Sirius burst into a fit of laughter, at first subtle. And then it took over Camille too.
"You all stop it right this second!" Mcgonagall shouted at the group of friends. Peter immediately went stiff and James tried to stifle his laugh with his hand. Verity stepped off the bench and onto the floor.
"Sorry, Professor." she apologized. Mcgonagall looked over to the two laughing people. Camille and Sirius had tears falling from their eyes and were holding their stomachs.
"You two, this is not a laughing matter. Quiet down!" Mcgonagall shouted. Verity looked at Camille terrified.
"Professor they've-" Verity tried to explain.
"I don't need any talking from you, Miss. Go up to my office and wait there while I sort these two out." the Professor said. Verity frowned and did as she was told. Sirius fell onto the floor of the Great Hall holding his stomach and cackling. Tears spilled from his eyes.
"Please, it hurts." he laughed. Camille also fell backwards next to Sirius, holding her own torso and covering her mouth, hoping to suppress the laughter. Mcgonagall had finally realized what had happened to the two and shook her head.
"You boys, help me bring them to Madam Pomfrey." Mcgonagall shouted at Peter, James, and Remus. They all stood up, going over to their friends and helping them up. James grabbed onto one side of Sirius while Peter grabbed the other. They tried their best to hold him up, since he was non-stop moving from the fit of laughter. Remus grabbed onto Camille barely being able to hold her up. Mary stood up from where she was sitting at the table and helped Remus with holding Camille.
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"You two detention for the next two weeks! Cleaning my up my classroom everyday!" Mcgonagall shouted at Camille and Sirius who were still perched up on their hospital beds.
Neither of the two wanted to admit to who was responsible for the potion. Camille thought of taking the blame, but she felt as if Sirius deserved a few weeks of detention. and to her surprise, Sirius didn't try to put all the blame on Camille, even though he knew she was guilty.
"Now, rest up, but I'll expect you after class tomorrow. Don't bother attending your morning classes, I'll let you professors know." Mcgonagall said before walking out. The cause of the laughter did do its damage on each. Sirius popped a blood vessel in his neck from laughing harshly and him falling backwards caused a minor concussion. Camille had a few crack ribs and a broken nose, but it was nothing a potion couldn't fix.
"Can't believe I let you get me a detention for something you pulled." Sirius scoffed. Camille groaned.
"It was your choice, you could've told her it was me." Camille replied. Sirius scowled at her.
"Like she would believe me." Sirius rolled his eyes. Sirius threw his head back onto his pillow in frustration. He mumbled something incoherent.
"What did you say to me?" Camille asked. Sirius ignored her and closed his eyes. Camille shook her head and sighed. She should've been more careful, maybe even never played the prank in the first place. She thought maybe it was too harsh. She caused him to break his nose. Not like he hasn't had some roughing up before.
Camille shut her eyes and decided to get some rest. The next two weeks were gonna be long.