Christian Bateman x Reader

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Requested by XCrsytalXCC
Valentine's Day was here, the festive day of romance. But for you, it was just the day to point out how lonely you are.

You were way over it.

Just for your own amusement, you only bought cheap chocolate and cheap wine for yourself. Not to say it wasn't pleasant. There was a bit of cheerfulness.

A knock on your door interrupted the mood. You sighed, putting down your wine glass, standing up to firstly turning on the main light. Which magically blew out the candle you had going for yourself, but we're not getting into that.

Before answering the door, you brushed yourself off from the wrinkles in your beautiful outfit, before opening the door.

"Heyy, Y/n! Ya miss me?" You shook your head playfully, greeted by an old friend of yours. Christian.

Christian's been your friend since the end of university. Only he's successful than you because he's in a rich family.

Admittedly, that's probably the main reason he's very arrogant. You're just very amusing to him somehow.

"Christian." You greeted back with a smirk. "What are you doing here today? Coming to tease me about having someone?"

"Pfft, of course not. Every women around here is dull." Christian said like you weren't in front of him.

Your eye twitched, but you only calmed yourself. "Well, come in. It's pretty cold." You stepped aside for him.

You lead him to the living room, where you originally were. In his eyes, he sees a random table with a cheap cloth over it with a very tacky candle.

With low ranked wine and chocolate. "Jeez, what's going on here?" He asked with a disgusted tone. "I was having a very lovely date with myself before you appeared."

You said that sentence with confidence even Christian could notice.

"Now why would you need to disrespect yourself with such cheap luxuries?" Christian complained. He examined the bottle of wine.

"I spent almost $70 on that drink! It's not cheap!" You defended. "Yeah. Whatever you say." The wealthy man rolled his eyes.

"I have a great idea for you! Instead of sitting here, soiling yourself with this garbage," Christian rubbed his black hair with an ego.

"You can be mine for the day."

You blushed at the request. "Huh?" It wasn't that you didn't hear him. You wanted to confirm what he just asked.

"Why. Don't. You. Be. Mine. For. The. Day? I promise it'll be better than your current situation." The handsome man raised both of his eyes at you, very flirtatious.

You blushed even more. "But what happened to 'every women here is dull'?" You questioned.

"I speaked the truth. But you, you're different." Christian invited himself to touch your hair, giving you a type of affection you've never thought you'd get by him.

"O-Okay." You shyly said. "Lovely. Now come on, let's get you away from here for now. I'll take you somewhere special."

His voice sounded smooth than it usually is, and nevertheless to say, it heated you up.

If it wasn't for his cold exterior, you would've been a full on simp for Bateman. But now, you were all in for him...even if it's only for one day he says.

--Time what are y'all doing for Valentine's Day?--

Christian drove you to the county he lived in. Boy, did everything look expensive. Exactly what it was.

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