Julian Ramis x Reader

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Requested by zarahenderson3
Your dad was taking you to your first day of school in the usual awkward car ride. He's probably still on about last year.

Why wouldn't he still be on about last year? You stole from an expensive jewelry store that you weren't suppose to be in the first place. As he tried to drag himself in the situation, it didn't work out so good.

One of the results included your former school expelling you (pretty sure that's not how it works), and now today you were going to your new one: Fairview High School.

When you arrived, you got a silent "good luck", and a "Whatever you do, don't tell people why you now go to this school", like that'll help you in any case. The hallway was pretty crowded, and there was a few pushing.

But as soon as you majorly bumped into someone, you were quick to turn around and apologize. You came eye to eye with a boy who looks no older than you. His green solid eyes dully looked into your e/c ones.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." You said, a bit flustered. You weren't paying attention, but a small crowd form around you. Some were muttering "oh no, the new girl's going to be the next victim". But you wouldn't have understood what they meant.

The unknown boy was calmed, but he was looking at you for a short moment in silence. "It's whatever." He said before walking through the crowd.

Someone else came forward, and put their hand on your shoulder. "I don't know who you are, but I feel bad for you." They said, before walking off. What the hell...

--In Gym Class--

In a short enrollment, you were already set in Gym class, the only problem is you're not athletic in any way. So you just went to sit down on the bleacher steps. Slowly drifting to sleep, due to being inactive.

You woke up to feeling someone sit at your side, and you looked to see the same person you bumped into earlier. He was just looking off towards the rest of the class.

"Oh, um, you again..." You said, not wanting to be awkward. "I usually sit in this spot." He commented, looking at you in the corner of his eye. "Well, I'm sorry again." You grunted, about to stand up to sit somewhere else. "I don't mind you sitting here." He said, with a bit of emotion.

"Okay then..." You sat back down confused. You were both being quiet, watching the rest of the class doing whatever, being awkward. You would've actually sat somewhere else, but you didn't want to seem rude.

"Why did you come here?" The boy spoke once again, readjusting his gray beanie. "What do you mean?" You asked, hoping to avoid telling him the reason. "Throughout all the schools, why did you come to this one?"

"Well...in my last school, I got expelled, which is a story for another time. This school is the other closest." You answered. "You made a wrong decision to come here. This is a place where you'll get judged for something you did, no matter the purpose of it." His eyes were a bit more dull.

"Pfft, sounds like a normal high school to me." You tried not to intervene. "You'll see..." He said, as the bell rung.

As he was about to go, you wanted his name just in case you run into each other again. He sighed, without any hint of what expression it was, but he said "Julian Ramis". You gave your name to him too, and he nodded before walking off.

Unknowingly to you, Julian hoped to see you again. It was forever since someone was willing to talk to him, without any fear, shame, or anything expected.

--After school--

Your dad was late picking you up, now you were just by yourself, isolated from the rest of the kids, who were waiting for their late parents. "Y/n." You heard your name get called out from behind. You turned to just see Julian approach you.

You smiled at him, secretly shocking him, but he slightly smiled back. "So question, how did you get expelled from your other school?" He asked. You really didn't want to answer him. Even if he seems really calm. You're already lucky enough for someone to talk to you on your first day of school, knowing it takes about 4 years to make friends.

"If I told you, you wouldn't want to be around me." You looked away from him. "Well, if I told you what I did when I was 12, you wouldn't want to he around me. Unless you did something worse than I have."

You started getting a bit suspicious. Because you did recall when that person said they felt bad for you. "Well, after we bumped to each other this morning, someone said they felt bad for me, but they never told me why. What did you do?" You asked him.

"... You tell me what you did first"

"...I stole from a jewelry store. And if everyone were to know that right now, no one would be talking to me. And if something went randomly missing, fingers would be pointed at me." You explained. "Now what did you do."

Julian sighed. "If I tell you, promise you won't freak out. I haven't had anyone to talk to for so long." He sounded desperate. You nodded with sympathy.

"When I was 12, I accidentally killed my best friend..." Julian looked at you for your reaction. But you raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue his story. "You're not scared?" He asked. "No, you said 'accidentally'. So you didn't 'kill' someone on purpose."

You were a bit shocked. You never spoken to...you didn't want to describe Julian as a killer, but, someone who killed before. But as he said, it was an accident. Julian seems like a nice kid though. "I was robbing a house with him, and he took an old crossbow and made me hold it. But then it just went off, and-"

"Okay, then. It's still not your fault." You cut him off. Julian was so relieved, he would've just cried right there, graceful someone understood him. But he didn't. "So...you're not scared of me?" You shook your head.

"You're not going to avoid me because I stole expensive things?" You asked him. "No. I'm not." He shyly grinned. "Well then-"

A car honked behind you. You turned around to see your dad was here. "That's my ride...nice having a heart to heart discussion with someone I met for only one day." You gave Julian one last smile. "Yeah...It is." He smiled back.

"See you tomorrow." You took off, getting into your dad's car. Julian watched you exit the school campus. Yeah. I'll definitely see you tomorrow. Y/n L/n.
I woke up to the description and didn't even read it correctly lol, but I did decent

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