(S1)David Jones x Reader(Lemon)

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Requested by CrinimalFrancine2020

Being a newbie cop, you were given very simple, boring task. And since you were the only newbie cop, you got loads of very simple, boring tasks. Your job was to take ahold of files. A bunch of them.

This sucks because you only joined the police force to be with your boyfriend, Jones. No worries! Everyone is nice. Nathan is cool. Alex is rad. Grace is sweet. Ramirez is... Ramirez.

You were doing your tiring job at home, keeping yourself conscious with the limited amount of cheap coffee. The sound of the front door opening and closing, followed by footsteps to the kitchen, told you Jones was back. And he was probably craving cookies, again.

Few minutes in, you were listening to nothing, but Jones rummaging through the kitchen. The sigh that was also heard, meant the end of the loud noise. You knew you were supposed to be working on the files, and not monitoring your boyfriend by ears. But that's what happens when you're sleep deprived.

"Hey, honey!" Jones greeted, walking in the room. You noticed how he was smiling wide, without any food with him. "Nice try! But I'm not driving all the way to the store just to get cookies." You smirked. "Pfft. That isn't what I came in for." Jones grumbled.

Jones looked at your desk, observing a stack of files on the left side, and a slightly shorter stack on the right. "Woah. Those are a lot of files!" He pointed out the obvious. "Mhm." You yawned. "Can't wait for promotion!"

"Wait...How long have you've been working on those?" Your beloved detective asked. "Eh, I lost count after my...12th cup of coffee." You answered, not even knowing the actual answer. "Come on! You're overworking yourself. Don't you want to go to bed?"

"And have the Chief yell at me? No thanks." You scoffed. "Chief only yells at me, if you haven't realize." You only chuckled once before focusing back on the files. However, Jones didn't approve of your determination to finish them.

Out of nowhere, he wrapped his arms around you and picked you up. "Jones!" You shouted playfully, but in your sluggish tone.

He carried you to your side of the bed, gently laying you down. You warmly smiled at him as he also laid down on the bed beside you. "Go to sleep, love." He said. You got into your sleeping position and tried to drift off. But now, there was a small problem.

"Jones?" You called, after a few silent seconds. "Have you ever been tired, but once you lay down, you're no longer tired?" (Yes.) Jones started snickering at you, which turned into giggling. His giggling started making you giggle. But within few more seconds, you both looked at each other, like the lovely couple you are.

Jones leaned towards you, giving you a kiss. However, you felt some sort of different vibe from it. You kissed back, starting the game "fight for dominance", the winner gets to be on top. Shame, since you lost your own battle. Doesn't matter. You both kept going at it.

Jones was ready to move further, but to be sure if you were also ready, he started from your waist. Your breathing along with the feeling of your waist being rubbed synced together. The progress was going slowly fast, if it make sense. Jones slowly moved his hands up towards your breasts, groping them. This was done for some delightful time. Soon, you both were undressed ready for the extra foreplay.

You trusted Jones well enough, so you let him do whatever, no fear that he will hurt you. Were you scared? Considering it was actually your first time, yes. Did you still want to do it? Hell yeah! Jones gave you a brief kiss on the lips, before making a trail of kisses down to your 'special' zone.

He gently spread your legs wide, you just avoiding eye contact. "Uh, Y/n, do you really want to do this? I don't want to rush you." Jones asked in concern. "You have my consent. I'll be fine." You replied. You saw Jones nod in the corner of your eyes before slowly drawing his face towards your crotch.

You let out a quick gasp when you felt a swift lick on your core, but settled in to the sensation. Comforted by your comfort, Jones slowly started licking you, getting more aroused by every sweet moan that you make. As he picked up his pace, the louder you got. Eventually, you ended up experiencing your first semi orgasm! But it isn't over!

Jones started positioning himself, only to stop. "Y/n, last chance. Do you-" "Yes, I do want to do it with you. I'm happy to have you as a first!" You smiled at your love. He smiled at you before continuing to get into the right position.

He slowly started to push himself, but the second you felt your barrier getting torn, you instinctively flinched. This did startle him, as he backed up. "Sorry, I kinda didn't expect that." You chuckled, catching your breath at the sudden pain.

Jones didn't say anything, he just rubbed your stomach, as he leaned to kiss you once more. You sunk into the kiss, and then he tried again to enter you. As he did so, you felt the pain that was inevitable, sponsored by pleasure.  As a signal of wanting him to thrust in you more, you wrapped your smooth legs around him.

You felt him smirk as he slowly did sink inside you, making you let out a moan from his size. At first Jones was going slow, but seeing that you were already comfortable he sped up.

You ended up climaxing before him, as well as getting very drowsy than you were from the beginning. Jones fixed himself to where he was laying beside you. "That was great!" You tried to sound expressive, but the lack of energy kept you down.

Jones didn't respond, you looked over at him just to see him passed out. Of course he would be out before me. Sigh. I can't get mad. I love him, dearly. You kissed your lover's forehead before falling asleep as well. One hell of a day!
Sorry for the 2 day wait! Hope you liked❤

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