Archie Rochester x Reader

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Requested by Quenlyloony
Switzerland was such a beautiful place to visit. The land, the villages, of course, the cheese.

Sadly, it was time to go back to your hometown: Concordia. You peacefully waited outside your transportation building, taking in the air of Switzerland just one final time.

I should come here again. You suggested to yourself.

"M-Ms. Y/n, is it?" You heard a familiar voice approach you. Why do the voice sound familiar?

You turned to who was calling you to see a young, handsome man walk towards you nervously.

It was the same man you met yesterday, and he was so sweet. "It's you...Archie, right?" You gave out a simple smile.

"Yes! I'm suprised you remember! Uh, I saw you standing here so I thought we can talk for a bit until you leave." Archie said, trying not to stutter.

It hasn't been 48 hours, yet you two grown an interest, more so a liking, to each other. He may not notice it due to your dull exterior, but you were happy to see him.

"Sure." You shrugged. "Where you leaving to?" Archie fixed his glasses, asking very fast.

"...If you don't mind me asking." He added, thinking he sounded disturbing. "I'm going back to my home. Concordia."

Archie's eyes widen, excitement filling his heart. "You live in Concordia too?!" He smiled with such thrill. You nodded, only squealing in the inside of your mind.

He lives where I live?? Is this fate or luck?!!

Your ride arrived at the station, and coincidentally, it was Archie's ride too.

The wealthy man had first class, unlike you which was why he was uncomfortable.

When you went to your seat in second class, some attendant told you, you were in the wrong seat. Very confused, you proceeded to follow her.

And now you were in first class, something that was expensive to you. "First time in first class?" You realized why you were there. Archie must've ordered that you come in here.

It flustered your mind, but you only said a dull "Thank you."

(I've never been on a plane, so I'm sure that's not how it works)

During the plane ride, you and your possibly new crush, grown more acquainted with each other. Once again, you met under 48 hours.

Is this what love on first sight is? I hope the feeling is actually mutual. It sure looks like it!

--Timeskip where you're at your house--

It's been maybe a few hours since you arrived home. The whole time, you were daydreaming about Archie. You may have gave your address to him before taking off, hoping he'd visit some time.

At the same time, you shames yourself for it for being weird.

Archie Rochester. I think I'm in love with you.

Meanwhile, at Archie's mansion, he was too deep in thought to drink the tea, his butler has poured for him.

"Mr. Rochester, you still haven't touched your tea! Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing bad, Wentworth. Just a girl I think I'm in love with gave me her address." Archie sighed with stars in his eyes.

"That sounds lovely! Are you planning to visit her some time?"

"No. I think I'm going to plan something else."

"Oh, and what is that?"

--A Good Three Jolly Days Later--

Party invitation for Y/n. From Mr. Alastor.

You read a fancy letter you've received at your doorstep. You were invited to some random party by someone you never heard of.

I guess I'll go...since I'm wanted there it seems.

Taking your attention away from the letter, you noticed a small gift bag. You opened it and revealed a very beautiful silver necklace, with another letter.

Dear Y/n,

Please accept this gift for it shines day and night in open eyes.

Just like you do in mines.

I hope you accept my invitation my dear, Alastor.

Since you were alone, you let out a squeal. I got a secret admirer!!

But I don't know an Alastor. The only one in my heart is Archie Rochester.

I still hope he decides to visit.

--Timeskip to the party at night--

Approaching the new area, you were glad your friend got an invitation as well.

She was pretty wealthy, and been to multiple parties by Alastor time to time, so she knew her way around.

"Hey, F/n, who really is Mr. Alastor? He gifted me a really expensive necklace, and I don't even know what he looks like." Your friend stared at you blankly. Pretty much a stare of fear.

"I don't know." She obviously lied. You decided not to say anything, and only explored your surroundings.

Everything seemed out of your league. You went inside the mansion, and you could've sworn it was beautiful.

No one was inside, so it was dead quiet. Chilling in a peaceful and strange way.

You felt your heart jumped as someone tapped your shoulder. Calmly turning around, you met face to face with an elderly butler.

"Y/n, is it?" He bowed in greeting. "Yessir?" You responded.

"I believe this is yours." He handed you a small box. "Would you care for a glass of our finest champagne?" The butler offered.

"Mr. Alastor's offering to you. Exactly like that wonderful gift." Another gift from him?

"Uh, no thanks. Who is Mr. Alastor anyways?" You asked. "I'm afraid he's rather anonymous for now."

You didn't notice it, but Archie was on the second floor examining you. Your lovely h/c hair. Your beautiful outfit, and his favorite, your gorgeous face.

Rochester found it intriguing.

The butler left your presence. Noting you were alone you started blushing at all the affection your getting from a secretive person.

And that person got to witness it too, enjoying a giddy side you never show.

My, how my plans are working. I wonder if she has any idea who 'Alastor' could be.

I'm sure she'll figure it out. But for now, I'll spoil her plenty. I want to give everything she would want.
Welp here you go!

I had to go on the wikipedia to retrack the plot.

(You think you're bad at plots, just read literally all my books)


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