Part 9

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"Hey dad." The sandy blonde said, it was noticeable that his eyes were filled with fear, his hands were clinging on to the hem of his sweatshirt.

"Kid, stop being scared. What are you even scared of? Nothing can hurt you." His dad question although he already knew the answer.

"M' not scared." He replied, the boy looked up at his father once more, his dad grinned at the dark red blood tracing across his face, he was happy it wasn't the boys blood.

"Good. Now today I'm going to teach on how to throw a axe." He said pulling out a throwing axe, mentally the child deflated. He knows he had to learn this stuff for the better, but he was tired everyday of his life, he's been on the run. Constantly in danger. He was only ten years old.

After the long day of learning how to throw a axe, he sat down on the hotels brown leather couch. Dirt and blood covered him, he wasn't able to shower, he stared blankly as he remembered the events of this weekend.

The blood shed, being attack, losing his mom, he hated the life his dad put him in. But there was no escape was there?

"C'mon kid, stop being a fucking bitch, just be thankful this isn't your blood."

"Dad, how the fuck can I not be scared, I fucking killed someone." 'Out of self defense.' His mind tells him, but he can't help but not feel guilty. His dad started to open his mouth to speak but was cut off by a loud bang.

There were men in black suits barging in, breaking the door. He recognized them, he knew they were the reason he's been in a hellish life.

"Sorry kid, but i got a blast." His father said, kissing his forehead and running past all of them, trying not to get killed.

He was alone, in a room of people who were going to kill him. The words his dad told him the first time he held a gun, rang through his head, 'your a survivor, nothing else, not even human.' He quickly grabbed the glock, next to him. And started to fight back, he shot, punched, fucking beat the shit out them, but most importantly he did what he swore to never do again. Kill.

After he was done, blood was spattered across his face, he was on his knees, gazing at all the body's. Pushing aside all the guilt, and locking it away in a place he wouldn't even know of.

"I'm a survivor, nothing else, not even human." He repeated to himself. "Not even human."

As he grew older, he began to have hatred for his father. Leaving him to mentally rot, always knowing that he's endanger, he still practiced fighting and shooting. Well that was until he took the leap of faith and started streaming.

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