Part 30

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Dereks pov
Three years ago

The dark hair was matted in dirt and blood, specs of mud chunks were spread out among his locks, he glanced up at the bright tv, the blue screen reflecting upon his face.

He never knew what a tv looked like before then, his dad always hid in cabins in the woods with no internet or air conditioning. He let out a sigh as his father waltzed in the room.

"Get up we have to go!" His dad said with urgency as he threw on his trench coat, the thirteen year old nodded contently pressing his lips together.

Time skip

The duo plodded along the smooth rooftop, crouching down as his dad brought out a pair of binoculars. A evil glint was caught in Jason's eyes as he looked through them and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Do you see that kid right there?" He pointed at a kid that looked his age, he sandy blonde hair and he was looking at a antic vending machine.

The older handed derek the binoculars, he looked through the clear circles, spotting the little boy and he noticed immediately.

His purple eyes.

He felt like throwing up as his heart sat in his stomach, he handed his dad back the binoculars.

"W-Why did you bring me here?" He asked glancing down at his father then back at his former best friends.

"No reason. I just wanted you to show how much happier he is without you, how he's doing so much better with your whining bitch ass." He didn't even the tear that went down his pale cheek, he took a sharp breath, biting down on his lip.

"Well son, let's go."

Time skip again

It was pitch black outside, the waxing crescent moon shined down on the city. Streets lights were planted among the side walk, Derek stared at the window of the house from the rooftop across the street.

He had snuck out of the musty motel his dad and him were staying out, he nervously tapped his finger, exhaling a foggy mist from the cold air.

"So why are you staring at my house?" A familiar but deeper voice said making Derek jump, he looked over his shoulder to see a fourteen year old in a dark purple hoodie, fiddling with the drawstrings.

"None of your business."

"It kind of is." The older sat down next to him, dangling his feet off the flat roof.

"My dad showed me it earlier, I couldn't help but come back later." Grayson scoffed.

"What so you can murder my dad? Don't worry he left when you ratted my family out." He bitterly spat.

"Gray- you have to believe me. My dad threaten to kill you, I had to." He sputtered out, locking eye contact with the light purple ones.

"Shut up, no he didn't. Your a selfish asshole and that's all you are, ok?" A silence rang out between them, as tears spilled out of his black orbs.

"Y-you have to believe me, please b-believe me." He desperately begged, but all he got was a flat look.

"Fuck off, I am happy now. I have started a YouTube channel, xpoolboy. I have moved on with my life, I'm finally ok." The older let out a shaky breath, slowly nodding as purpled walked away, he let out a muffled sob, tears tracking down his cheeks.

A/N; it was xpoolboy right? He mentioned it once in his live stream once.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered to himself looking up at the moon.

Flashback over

"What the fuck are you doing?" Schlatt alarmingly turned around face the shorter who cocked a eyebrow looking him up and down.

"I- was looking for hints of Grayson, and I saw this- actually fuck no you probably know so much shit about me why shouldn't I know about you." The sixteen year old rolled his eyes, let out a groan, walking towards him and snatching the paper out his hand.

"I know Jack shit about you, anyways did you ever check the woods?" Schlatt shook his head.

"Where are the woods around here? My dad likes cabins, he would never go for a hotel, we only went once."

"Why'd you never go after that?" He curiously asked, Derek never liked these weird conversations between them.

"I uhm snuck out that night, I don't regret it though, I got to see someone special to me." He sadly smiled, going to his window sill.

"I'll go look in the woods, do you know how far your dad likes it in the woods?"

"Oh my god, is the jschlatt taking my word for something?!" He sarcastically said.

"No I just want to find my son." He started to walk out, then stopped.

"Wait, What did he mean by 'your favorite boy'?"


The old man walked into the cabin, grinning at the seventeen year old. Purpled only could think about what that paper said, he stared down at the hardwood floors.

What does two birds with one stone mean?

He knew what it meant of course but what did Jason mean by it.

"You ready to go?"

Again please follow my Twitter
@chesoslive :)

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