Time To Work

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I wake up to Azukis smiling face, her arms wrapped around me. cute. well, I suppose I'm stuck here, now.

It's sorta funny, really. She's helped me so much, and I've never properly given thanks. I mean, I've said thank you, but I don't think that counts. If it wasn't for her, I would've probably... well, done something I can't come back from.

Azuki starts to stir awake. As her eyes open, she seems confused initially, before it comes back to her.

"Good-morning, sleeping kitty~"

"mornin', what's going on?"

"Your cuddling me like your favorite stuffed toy, for one."

She seems slow to recognize what I said, before jumping out of bed. "Oh my- I'm sorry! I wa- It was just- I was too comfy."

"It's fine, your sleeping face is kinda cute, so at least I had a nice view." I say, with a smile on my face.


"whatever, I still need to get dressed and the like, so unless you wanna be locked out of the bathroom, you better hurry up."


After we get into the bathroom, Azuki seems curious; "so, wanna work with us at the café?"

"Sure, if you're offering. Is there a uniform I need to wear, or..."

"Yeah, but we've got some spares, so you can just borrow one of ours for now."


The outfit looks like this;

The outfit looks like this;

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"Well, this is... embarrassing. Do I really have to wear this?"

"We all have to, so just wear it. Be grateful Pull-may is letting you borrow hers."

"Fine, you're lucky I still owe you for everything, or I wouldn't be wearing this."

"Still wearing it, right?"

"*sigh* yes..."

"I thought so, now lets get going. We don't wanna be late."

The cafe is lit up nicely, with it's main sign, "La Soleil", lit up in neon. I follow Azuki inside, where she explains my role.

"So, I man the register and take care of orders, and while we figure out exactly where your strengths lie, I just want you to help out where needed. While things are going slow, though, you'll probably not be needed, so just relax for a bit."


She wasn't kidding. Once things started to speed up in the later evening, it was hectic.

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