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Hi there!!!! It's been awhile and finally here's an update.. I hope you like it! Enjoy!!! sorry for the errors.


3rd Person POV


Ryujin finally arrived at the park, she pays the driver and run away to find Y/n quickly. It's been a while since her last stroll here at Hangang Park. There are some new things she noticed at the park, getting distracted by it. She shakes her head and just focus on finding Y/n. When she arrived at the end of the park, she didn't see Y/n anywhere. So, she took a picture and sends it to Mina to make sure she's at the right location. Mina immediately responds, saying that she's in the right location. So, she looks around to check again, but again there's no sign of Y/n in the park. So, she texted Mina that Y/n is not at the park. They chuckled and wander what will happen if she meets Y/n's parents at the company.

Mina told her to go to the company before Y/n leaves the building and she also gave her the location of the company. Ryujin immediately grab a taxi and told the driver the location. The driver nodded his head and take Ryujin there. When Ryujin is looking outside the window, she saw a bookstore and she got a good idea to make Y/n feel better.

"Excuse me sir, is there any book store near the company???"
Ryujin asked the driver, and the driver nodded.

"Yes, there is! It's actually aligned with the company entrance..."
The driver said politely.

"Can you drop me there, sir???"
Ryujin asked him politely.

"Of course!"
He said happily and Ryujin nodded her head before saying thank you happily.
Now, Ryujin hopes that there's a Scythe book there or else her plan will be post pone. They finally arrived at the said location, Ryujin pays the driver and bids a goodbye. She immediately goes to the bookstore and walks towards the staff.

"Excuse me, is there a book named Scythe here???"
Ryujin asked the staff politely.

"Let me check ma'am..."
The staff said happily, and Ryujin nodded her head. The staff walks away to check the book while Ryujin stands there and looks around the bookstore. The staff comes back with the book in her hand. Ryujin smiles as she sees the book.

"That would be 14,319.79 won ma'am..."
The staff said after punching the code on her monitor. Ryujin pulls out her money and lend it to the staff. The staff takes it and put it on the cash cabinet before packing the book and give it to Ryujin. Ryujin takes the book and go out of the store.

She stops in front of the entrance of the company and gathered her courage because she might meet Y/n's parents later, thinking of it makes her nervous. She just really hopes that it will went good and smooth for them to be ok, and she hopes Y/n is here right now so they can make it up immediately. She breathes deeply before going inside and going to the clerk to ask about Y/n.

"Uhm... Excuse me... Is Kim Y/n here???"
Ryujin asked the clerk, and she looks at her curiously.

"What do you want with Y/n ma'am???"
The clerk asked her curiously.

"We had a fight, and I just wanted to apologize for being too stubborn..."
Ryujin said seriously.

"Are you two girlfriends???"
The clerk asked her curiously. Ryujin was about to answer but someone came from behind.

"Babeeee... Are you really sorry???"
Y/n asked her in a cute way, and the clerk reacted so surprised. Ryujin turns around and sees Y/n and she hugs her immediately.

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