I don't wanna dance

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A stressful day for Ryujin. Ryujin is still thinking about what she did that hurt Y/n. She asked her friends about it, but she got nothing from them except for dissect the words she's saying. She's been dissecting it since, but nothing really came out of it. It's hurting her head now and they just laugh at Ryujin because she's really oblivious and she looks like a girlfriend who can't think of what's the problem. Ryujin had enough of it, and she slammed her hand at the table, making them to look at her while stopping themselves to laugh.

"Aigoo... if Kim Y/n won't say it to me, then she should just cut me off."
Ryujin said, madly. Y/n heard that from her.

Y/n said seriously, and Ryujin panicked when she heard that. She immediately hugs Y/n to catch her because Y/n might run.

"I'm joking~ I'm just really frustrated that's all, but I won't give up, ok?"
Ryujin said happily, and Y/n looks at her.

"You can give up tho..."
Y/n said, and that made Ryujin angrier. She let go of Y/n and go back to her seat.

She shouted for Y/n to hear and they all smirked.

"Ryujin... you really don't like Y/n???"
Yeji asked her again and Ryujin looks at her madly. They all sit down around Ryujin and just gonna do everything to make her confess.

"Why are you frustrated, then? You never do that to someone. I mean the thing that not letting someone to cut you off of their lives."
Chaeryeong said seriously, and Ryujin sighed. She doesn't know what she really feels towards Y/n but she knows she can't lose her.

"Do you like it when she's around you?"
Nayeon asked her curiously, and Ryujin nods.

"Love it even."
Ryujin said honestly, and that made them smile.

"Do you feel you shouldn't lose Y/n or not?"
Mina asked her curiously, and she nodded.

"Does is it feel like something is missing when Y/n didn't interact with you??"
Sana asked her curiously, and Ryujin shyly nodded her head.

"Do you hate it when someone makes Y/n happier and Y/n keeps the person beside her more than you??"
Yeji asked her curiously, and Ryujin hates to admit it, but she nodded.

"Shin Ryujin... if you're still oblivious right now about your feelings for her, then I don't know anymore."
Jihyo said to her seriously, and Ryujin avoided their stares while fighting with herself because she wants to deny it to herself. She sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I love her. So what?"
Ryujin finally admit it and they partied, making Ryujin confused.

"Finally! You're too transparent and it made us irritated because you always deny it."
Lia said happily, and Ryujin felt embarrassed. She didn't know she's that obvious to others, but too oblivious for what she really feels for Y/n.

"But still!! What did I do to her?"
Ryujin goes back to that topic and they stopped from celebrating. Ryujin just trashed the celebration away, as she was still oblivious to what Y/n feels for her.

"Gosh, Shin Ryujin!! Why are you so oblivious, really???!"
Jihyo asked her seriously and Ryujin got more confused because of it.

"How about you confess to her?"
Mina suggested, and that made Ryujin nervous and scared.

Ryujin said nervously, and they laughed at her.

"Gosh... you're nervous Ryujin. You haven't even confessed to her."
Sana teased her, and they chuckled.

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