Ting ting ting/sign

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3rd person POV

Morning has come, meaning they have to go to school again. Ryujin waited patiently for Y/n as she's excited to see her face again, while Y/n sighs because it's school day again. She does like studying, but sometimes it's draining her.

Y/n finally arrived, and Ryujin immediately see her, making her smile genuinely. She approached Y/n happily, while Y/n just didn't greet Ryujin. She just walk straight down the halls, so Ryujin frowned because she's confused. Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows, but then she got an idea and smile widely before hugging Y/n tightly. Y/n groaned as Ryujin was crushing Y/n.

"Shin Ryujin!!! You're crushing me!"
Y/n whined, and Ryujin chuckled as she adjusted her embrace.

"Why are you pissed in this early morning??"
Ryujin asked her curiously, and Y/n rolled her eyes, decided not to give her an answer.

Ryujin said seriously, and Y/n looks at her. They just stare at each other's eyes as if they were just waiting for them to get lost in each other's eyes, but Y/n broke it as showing her feelings scared her.

"Just not in the mood."
Y/n finally answers, and Ryujin chuckled while Y/n just looks at her seriously.

"I know what can put you into the mood."
Ryujin said happily before holding Y/n's hand and pull her along.

Ryujin knows Y/n loves Milk, so they go to the vending machine where Y/n's fave brand of milk is. Once they got there, Ryujin let go of Y/n's hand to get some money, making Y/n frowned. Ryujin inserted the money and push the button that is meant for the milk that Y/n loves. Once it drops, Ryujin gets it, and put the straw in before giving it to Y/n while Y/n just looks at the milk with hearts in her eyes. Ryujin looks at her and smiles genuinely, as Y/n is finally in the mood.

"Magic word??"
Ryujin asked Y/n happily, and Y/n just looks at the milk with excitement.

"Hmmm... c-can I have that milk?? Please?"
Y/n said in a cute tone without breaking her eyes to the milk, and Ryujin just adores her before giving it to Y/n. Y/n takes it happily and drinks it happily, while Ryujin just stands there, adoring Y/n as Y/n drinks the milk.

"Thank you~"
Y/n said happily after finishing the milk while she put it in the trash. Ryujin holds Y/n's hand again, making them to feel the electricity again. Y/n looks at Ryujin and Ryujin smiles genuinely to her, but Y/n groaned, making Ryujin confused again.

"You're pushing me to get a cat. I hate you."
Y/n said seriously, and Ryujin laughs.

"Do you want to?"
Ryujin asked her curiously, and Y/n nodded happily.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time now. I haven't really asked my parents about it, but I think they'll be fine with it, or so I think they will."
Y/n honestly said, and Ryujin nodded.

"You know that I have cats, right?"
Ryujin asked her curiously, and Y/n looks at her surprised.

"Really??! Why am I not seeing them???!"
Y/n asked Ryujin seriously, and Ryujin smiles.

"They stayed at my cousin, but now they'll be at the house."
Ryujin said happily, and that made Y/n to look at her with hearts in her eyes, making Ryujin's heart flutter.

"You can go if you want to."
Ryujin said happily, and Y/n squealed happily.

"Yes! I will!!!"
Y/n said happily, and Ryujin laugh. She found Y/n really cute, and all she wants is for Y/n to be happy because that makes her happy too.

'If this won't tell her I like her, then I really need to step up.'
Ryujin thought happily.

"Ryujinieee~ You really should take me to your house later~ because if not, I won't give you any attention~"
Y/n said happily, and Ryujin chuckles.

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