24. The truth untold

341 23 20

What the—

We both get up in haste and rush to her room which she haven't gone until now, after coming back home.

I open the door and my heart dropped after seeing the walls covered with some photos and some writings in red colour. The view itself is giving me goosebumps.

We both get inside and look at the pictures that are pasted on the wall. I lean in to take a close look of the people in the photos. It is y/n with yeona and sukchin. All the photos are same.

'Yeona is dead because of you'

What the fuck is this?!

I crush the paper and throw it to the other side of the room. I get up from my spot and take off all the photos and papers which are sticked on the wall. I crush all the paper and throw them into the dustbin and kneel down to look at y/n who is laying on the floor dumbstruck. I rub her cheek and take her hand in mine.

"Baby, don't worry. This is all sukchins work. I will catch him no matter what." I tell but she doesn't give any response to me.

"Y/n!" I shake her but she just looks at me as a tear escaped her eye.

Her phone started ringing suddenly and we both look at the phone in her hand. She lifts it up and answers the call but I take it from her hand and put in on the speaker mode.

"So, how is my special gift to you, Lee y/n?" a male voice echoes in the room and I know it is sukchins one.

"You freaking son of a b*tch! I'm gonna kill you! You better stop doing what you want and surrender yourself to the police so that you will atleast spend your disgusting life in the jail, paying for your sins!" I shout but hear his disgusting laugh from the other side of the phone.

"Oh, Kim Namjoon? You are there too?" he laughs sarcastically.

"I knew it. This bitch doesn't even feel bad for killing her friend and enjoying her time serving you on your bed? I hate you freaking bitch!" he doesn't stop cursing her and continues talking shit.

"Be careful with your words sukchin! Do you even know how much she is suffering and how much down she is because of you? You better respect her if you don't want yourself to get killed very brutally. I will kill you the very second I see you, you jerk!" I shout at him.

"Oh momma! I'm scared! Please spare my life!" he utters with lots of sarcasm.

"I will take my revenge on you for rejecting me in the past and also making my life a shit in the present. Everything would have been in their correct place only if I had killed you that day. But you are doing all this to yourself and the people around you." he continues.

"I will make you suffer and will make you come to me and beg me to kill you. Then I will kill you after fulfilling my desire. Get ready Lee y/n" he ends the call and I grip on the mobile because of the frustration. I sigh but look at y/n whose head is bent down.

"Y/n..." I call her name. She looks at me with her teary, red eyes.

"Yeona was dead because of me." she talks looking at me with her stern looks. "W-what are you talking y/n?"

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