Prologue Part 1

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Sophia's POV

It wasn't until I was standing in the middle of a busy road somewhere in Queens that I realized I had no clue where I was or what I was doing. I had lived in New York City for quite some time now (sense I was ten) but I never really cared to venture beyond Manhattan, let alone Queens. Everything was in Manhattan, my friends, my family, the show, my whole life, so exploring the boroughs wasn't that appealing but today I was looking to forget about my life, so here I was.

I take a deep breath and think. Breakfast! I would get breakfast, that's something normal and relaxing right? I go to pull out my phone to look for directions, but it's not there. I check my other pocket, it's not there either. Shit. I left my phone at home. I was going to hear about this from my parents and my director later but I couldn't go back for it now, if I did my whole adventuress day would come to an abrupt end. Ok, new plan, I look around. I am standing on a road close to the bridge I had come across on and there was a park on the other side of the bridge road. So, I had pretty much no clue where I was unless I went to the park or back across the bridge. I looked around at the people rushing past me, I was going to have to ask someone for directions.

The questions was, who, I wanted to pick someone who had no idea who I was. I didn't really want to be famous today. I spot a girl, maybe my age, who it standing off to the side on a small sidewalk. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She had chestnut brown hair, a little longer than shoulder length and she was looking down at a phone. She was pretty short, maybe only a couple inches taller than me. She looked nontheaterish enough, so I walk up to her. I take a deep breath, silently praying she didn't recognize me"Hi," I say shyly. She looks up "I am not really familiar with this part of town and I was looking for a place to get breakfast. I would look it up, I just accidentally left my phone at home. Nothing special, just a Starbucks or something," I practically spit out. She breaks out into a smile.

"Yes, of course. I was heading to a Starbucks right now, I can walk with you if you want. It's pretty easy to get lost around here." I quickly realized I had been holding my breath and out a sigh of relief. She had no idea who I was. I think about her offer to walk me. I debate saying no, I really just wanted to have a day to myself but, she was right, it's easy to get lost anywhere in NYC. Plus, it might be nice to have someone to talk to. I pull myself out of thought.

"Sure, that would be great," I say.

"Awesome," she says grinning and we begin to walk. "I'm Quinn, by the way."

"Well, hi it's nice to meet you," I say. I'm about to tell her my name, but I decided against it. It seemed like she didn't know who I was and I didn't want to push it. We pass by a Taylor's shop.

"Uh, I'm, Taylor," I say nervously. She just smiles.

"That's a nice name." Once again, I feel relief flood through me. We are silent for a moment.

"So, are you from around here," I ask.

"Well I live in Manhattan, I work there and stuff, but I like to come down to the boroughs and walk around and relax," she answers. I glanced at her again, she looked a little young to be working any jobs. Maybe it was a McDonalds or something.

"I live in Manhattan too, I don't come around the boroughs much but it's nice to switch it up." We keep walking for a good 10-15 minutes before we reach a Starbucks. Quinn stops in front of it and holds out her arms, as if to present something.

"Welcome, to Starbucks," she say's in a dramatic voice and I laugh. She puts her arms down and smiles, then walks up to the door and holds it open for me. I thank her and then step inside, she follows me in. About 5 seconds later I know I'm in trouble. A girl, maybe 10 or 11, comes running up to me and asks for a photo. I feel myself freeze up but I nod, because what else was I supposed to do. A women (probably her mother) comes over to take the picture but I keep sneaking glances at Quinn, who seems strangely unfazed. She doesn't look shocked, but instead was smiling softly. After the picture had been taken the girl thanked me and then skipped away. I cautiously walk up to Qiunn.

"Should we order then?" she says brightly, as if nothing has happened.

"Sure," I say suspiciously. How was she not confused about what just happened? Was it normal for people to come up to random civilians and ask for a picture? Was she a psycho? Was I getting coffee with a psycho? The line isn't long so we order quickly and then find a little table by the window.

"So, uh, where do you work," I ask awkwardly as we sit down.

" Well, I'm still in school," she says thoughtfully "but I do some work as an actress, broadway, of course."

"Really," I ask surprised, but also interested. "What have I seen you in."

"Nothing much, really. I was first understudy for Annie when it was on Broadway, but that was a little while back. I haven't really done to much sense, trying to focus on school, ya know. I've never done anything like what you do." It took me a minute to process what she said. She knew who I was? I didn't know how to react. Maybe she really was a psycho, a psycho fan.

"You, you know me," I ask, the shock still resonating in my voice.

"Yes," Quinn answers, much more cautiously than I had heard her talk yet "I know my Broadway and I know your show, one of my favorites actually, but I also know people and you looked like you needed a friend, not a fan. I didn't think you wanted to come all the way down to Queens to get away from people, to be attacked by a fan." I think about what she said. So maybe she wasn't crazy, I mean she was right.

"Well, yeah thank you," I say. And then I remember telling her my name was Taylor. I feel myself flush. "I'm sorry I lied to you about your name." I bury my face in my hands.

"It's ok," she says, laughing "I'm sorry about lying about knowing who you are."

"You never lied," I say, smiling now too.

"I didn't tell the whole truth, either," she says "that's just as bad."

"Fine, we are equally guilty." I officially decided she isn't crazy. 

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