Chapter 3

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Ok so this is a bridge part and then it's going to get pretty intense for a minute.

Chapter 3

Quinn's POV

"Ok wait, she said that?" I say looking at Presley with wide eyes.

"Yep," Sophia answers, crossing her arms.

"That's so mean," I say sitting back on the couch.

I had been with the cast for about a week now and I was slowly getting used to it. I was getting better and better every day, Sophia was practically forcing water down my throat every 5 seconds and everyone else was feeding me even more often. I had taken me a little while to regain and appetite after so long of not eating. Even after I stated eating again I had been eating things like saletines and applesauce but right now I was munching on a salad. Sophia had explained about how we met in Queens and went for coffee, strategically leaving out why she was in boroughs in the first place. I sensed she didn't really want to regale everyone with her tale of running to Queens to escape life. Everyone had pretty much expected that as a valid story.

I had told them some things about my home life and school but I was careful not to tell them some things. Like the rape. And The Website. They would probably kick me out on the streets if they new about The Website. It would stay my secret. I didn't need to cause more trouble than I already was. Adam had recognized me as an actress. He had a friend who worked with me in Annie. No one knew my parents, for which I was relived but also surprised. In general they were one of the wealthy business families in town. But even if they were lying and new my parents, I'm glad they lied. In general, things were decent.

Presley, Sophia, and I were sitting in Sophia's dressing room while they filled me in on all the drama from backstage. We had just finished talking about somebody at the stage door who had gone off at Presley. So far I had gotten on pretty well around the theater but the real problem was always hanging in the air. This couldn't last forever. Eventually my brother would catch on to my being gone and my parents would get involved. Alex had promised to make sure everything would work out but I clearly see his worry every time it was discussed.

I had gone home with Kerry for the last few days. She had kids and had offered pretty quickly to provide me with a bed and food until everything got sorted out. During the day I sat around the theater, sleeping and eating to get my strength back up. I handn't seen the show yet but Kerry insisted I take one of her friends and family tickets someday soon and I couldn't wait. I had taken a couple days off of school at the beginning of the week but now I was going to all my regular classes. Sophia stayed with me whenever she could and we had grown very close.

Once we had finished laughing over the story, Sophia looked up at the clock and practically jumped out of her chair. "OhmygoshIhavetogo,curtaincall," she exclaims, already out the door. Presley looks at me and we both burst out laughing. By the time was have finished with our sobbing laughter we can hear the beginning of the show starting from a distance. We listen quietly for a moment, waiting to see if Sophia made it on in time. We hear her start Invisible on time and we know she's good. I smile slightly, that girl was always cutting it close.

"So you and Sophia met at a coffee shop?" Presley asks.

"Yes just like she said, a Starbucks in Queens," I answer.

"That's cool," she says thoughtfully, "I mean what happened, where you waiting in line and just started talking or...?" Presley clearly wanted to know the details. I knew Sophia wouldn't really want me disclosing them.

"It's a bit of a long story," I say hesitantly. Presley seems to understand and drops the subject.

"So when's the last time you played Lydia," I ask, successfully changing the subject.

After the show that afternoon Sophia and I chat in her dressing room again. Presley had already headed home, Sophia was taking off her makeup and fixing her hair.

"Prez asked me a couple things about how we met today," I say sipping my water. Sophia turns red.

"How.. I mean, what did you say," she says nervously.

"Nothing," I answer "I know you weren't having the best day that day and I don't think everyone needs to hear about it." Relief floods her face.

"Thank you," she says shyly "I owe you."

"No you don't, if you haven't noticed I'm alive because of you," I say, smiling. She smiles back. Just then one of the backstage crew knocks and pokes her head in.

"Sophia, someone in the lobby is here to see you," she sings. Sophia nods as the lady walks away.

"I'll be right back," Sophia says, standing up "It's probably a fan or my mom or something." I nod and smile at her as she walks out. 

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