Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Quinn's POV

I glance around the courtroom nervously. Everyone had arrived. My parents standing in nice, brand name clothes and my brother sitting straight up with his hair slicked back. He looks so mature and kind, I'd almost believe he didn't abuse me for years. But I knew, now I just had to convince everyone else. Suddenly I'm glad Kerry made me dress up nice because everyone in the room seemed to look like they were about to attend a ball or something. I wring my hands back and forth as I look at the time, 10:00 sharp. I suddenly wish Sophia were with me, maybe it would make this a little easier. The hearing would start any minute now. Kerry and Joey had exchanged stout hellos and handshakes with my parents but they hadn't spoken to my brother. Instead they opted for disgusted glances. A second before the clock turned to 10:01 the judge walked into the room, telling us to all rise and so it began. I immediately begin fiddling nervously, ringing out my hands or playing with the fabric of my dress.

"Quinn, honey calm down, it's going to be okay. You have nothing to worry about," she says gently. I realized the fiddling made me look guilty and I quickly put my hands down and looked up at Kerry. She smiles softly and I smile back. We were the first to make our opening statements, since we were the prosecutor. I went pretty good but it was nothing compared to my parents' opening statement. They already had the upper hand in the battle but their trillion dollar lawyer was going to make this nearly impossible. I was fidgeting again.

Next was the witness. The witness that had been pulled was our next door neighbor. She was a nice middle aged lady named Sandra that had always asked me how I was doing. I had kept my distance from her for fear of her discovering my situation but I always felt she suspected something was happening so I had my fingers crossed.

"Did you ever notice anything about Quinn that made you concerned for her safety," was the first question asked.

"Oh yes, quite often actually. She would always have bruises on her face or neck. She tried to cover it up with makeup but I knew. I was in a abusive relationship with a boyfriend so it looks like I'm covering it up," Sandra says. I breathe a sigh of relief, she was going to be of some help. They ask her a couple more questions. I flushed red when they asked if she had heard any screams or noise that suggested abuse and she nodded.

Next was the cross examination. My parents' attorney was allowed to question the witness while they checked to make sure that the story that Sandra told was the same as mine. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as my parents' lawyer began.

"Did you ever physically see Mr. Aziler hurt Ms. Aziler," he asked stoutly.

"No, well, I guess they were always very friendly together but it wasn't like he was going to slap her in front of me."

"But you never actually saw anything," he asks smugly.

"Uh, well... no '' she answered, looking down at her hands. My heart fell. He had gotten her. The rest of that portion goes by painfully slow. Our lawyer gets to question her again for a small portion as well but nothing seems to be helping us bounce back from the cross examination. Finally we get to speak. My parents go first with a very well written speech.

"We have loved our daughter from the moment she was born and allegations that we would put her in any sort of danger horrify and appall us," my mother says with tears in her eyes.

"My son is one of the most level-headed people I have ever met. He takes care of Quinn like his life depended on it and the idea he would do anything to her is simply impossible," my father states, comforting my mom. God they are so fake. Kerry and Joey look like they are trying to set my parents on fire with their eyes. Then it's my brother's turn.

"I hope everyone in this room understands how much I love my sister. She has always been the light of my life and I will take care of her till my dying breath," he says with passion. It's so well done. I want to believe in this family. For a moment I think that Joey would have to stop Kerry from walking over a murdering my brother right there but she somehow keeps her cool. Finally it's our turn.

"I haven't known this girl for long," Joey says "but even in that short time I have to come to her to be one of the most interesting, intelligent, honest people I've ever seen in my life. I frimley believe that she would never lie about being abused."

"I would like to say the first time I met Quinn she was the beautiful bundle of light I know now, but she wasn't. She was unconscious in my co-stars dressing room, beaten to a bloody pulp and practically starved to death. I'll never forget the way she looked, lying there so helpless. It will haunt me the rest of my life," Kerry says. And then I had to speak. Now keep in mind when you read this part of the story that ,normally, I was very good at public speaking. I mean the whole actor thing, you know. But this wasn't performing, this wasn't giving someone advice, this was my whole future relying on a few words I said. So I messed up. Pretty bad.

"I.. uh. Well I grew up living through uh, um licking I mean living through uh... lots of abuse?'' I swear, the lawyer had me memorize a whole speech and that was the best I had done through the whole thing. We were screwed. If we had a chance before, then it was gone now. The judge dismissed us for lunch before the verdict was given. We ate in the courthouse cafeteria while Joey and Kerry tried to convince me that my speech wasn't that bad, but even they were half hearted which wasn't a good sign. I barely eat. 1 hour later we are called back and it's time. We were about to find out. 

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