Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Quinn's POV

The first thing I feel is pain. Soreness, a terrible headache, and a certain type of nausea that I knew I wasn't going to throw up, but it was still uncomfortable. I attempt to open my eyes but the brightness is too much so I immediately close them. Then, I try to move a little, just to see what it felt like. Not good, it felt not good.

The next thing I feel is confusion. What had happened, where was I. A few seconds later almost everything came rushing back to me. Last night, my brother, attempting to get myself to school, and then unlimently passing out. The relizations are helpful but they didn't answer where I was now. I knew I wasn't on the street where I must have passed out, unless streets had suddenly become comfy, soft, and cushiony and no one told me.

That last thing I feel is fear. What time is it? Would my brother be made at me for being late? Oh hell, had I missed school? I shoot straight up, opening my eyes wide. This neurotic movement was met with blinding light and smashing pain and nausea. I want to sit right back down but I need to get to school. Everything I did felt like a confusing, uncomfortable fever dream. All of a sudden. I feel a pair of hands push me back down. I immediately panic, feeling helpless and scared but then I hear a soothing voice.

"It's going to be okay, just rest," it says. It's so distant, almost like from another dimension but I decided in that moment to listen to that voice. I fall back onto the soft street and let myself drift off.

The next time I wake up, everything is a degree less confusing. This time I am able to open my eyes without blinding pain from any type of light. I still feel sore and my headache hadn't dispaited but I felt slightly stronger. I only need to let myself adjust for a minute before I can look around. I'm in a small room, it's decorated with an assortment of posters I can't quite make out and a large mirror in the center with a desk in front of it. There is clothing holding a couple of strange looking outfits over by the door and lastly a girl sitting in a large chair across from me. She looks middle aged and is dressed... a girl scout? It takes her a couple minutes to notice me but when she does her face lights up and she scoots closer to me.

"Oh my gosh, you're awake," she says sounding relieved. Just stay put we're going to help you." I couldn't help but wonder who this "we" she referred to was because she was the only one in the room. "Do you feel alright, do you need some water or anything. Oh, by the way my name is Dana. Everyone should be here in a couple minutes, it's almost intermission," she says gently.I can't bring myself to say anything to the friendly women but I nod even though I was slightly terrified of who "everyone" was. I take a couple minutes to look around the room some more. The set up and the whole idea of the style of the room seems somewhat familiar but I don't think too much about it.

A very short while later I hear a group of people walking down the hallway. I tense up as a man followed by a younger girl that I'm sure I've met and a couple other strangely dressed people walk through the door. "Look she's awake," Dana presents me to the rest of the crowd.

"Thank god, I was beginning to get really worried she wasn't going to wake up," the man says.

"Don't say that Alex," someone from the group I hadn't quite identified yet says. Alex. Why did this whole thing feel slightly familiar? Alex, Alex, Alex. Alex Brightman.

"Alex Brightman?" I exclaim. And then all of a sudden, the faces begin to click. It's Sophia. Coffee shop in Queens Sophia. Sophia Anne Curaso. Followed by her co-stars, Rob McClure and Kerry Butler. Their strange outfits begin to make sense. What had happened. How had I gotten into this dressing room. I needed to wake up from this strange, weird dream.

"Hey, are you alright," Sophia's voice asks me. I feel a bit of relief that Sophia's here. I know her, she would help me.

"Sophia?" I say.

"Hi Quinn," she answers "it's me."

"Do you know her," Kerry questions, looking extremely confused.

"Uh, yes," Sophia says.

"What happened?" I ask, putting my hand on my forehead.

"We were hoping you could tell us that," she answers "we just found you like outside the theater."

"I feel awful."

"It's going to be okay, medics and the police should be here any minute," she answers. I feel dread wash over me. I sit up again.

"No no no, don't do that. Whatever you do, don't do that," I say.

"Why," Sophia asks, softly.

"Because, my parents, they practically own the police. If they come here they'll laugh it off like some big misunderstanding and then I'll be in trouble," I say choking on fear.

"Did your parents do this to you?" Alex asks. I shake my head.

"No, my brother. My parents are always away for business, they are pretty well off, so it's just the two for us. But I promise you the police won't help me, they worship my parents because of all the money they donate. I'll just be given right back to my brother. He'll see this like tattling and I promise that won't be good for me, just call off the police. I'm begging you." I can feel everyone in the room exchanging glances. "Please," I say.

"Do your parents know he abuses you," Alex asks. I look down at my hands and nod. I give Sophia a look, begging her to call off the police.

"Alright," Sophia says and I can tell everyone wants to protest but she hurries out of the room. She returns a few minutes later. "The police aren't coming," she says curtly. I let out a sigh of relief and then allowed myself to fall back on the couch, hoping for the best. 

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