▫ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯 ▫

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- Sorry for any mistakes - A/N -

" Come back and see us dear, " My mom uttered.
I trapped her within my arms, squeezing her and then releasing, " I'll try. "


" Bye, I love you bean. " My dad says leaning over and kissing my cheek.
" Ew dad. " I complained teasingly and wiping my cheek with the back of my hand, he laughs softly at my reaction.
I hop out of the car and slowly walked backwards, " I love you too, take it easy dad. "
Entering the house, it was unusually quiet and hair-raising.
" Aiden, " I called out slowly climbing the stairs. I open the door to our room, Aiden sat at the edge of the bed with his back facing me.
" Are you okay, Aiden? " I queried, treading closer to him.
" Did you run off with another man? " He asked hastily.
" Are you serious right now? " I deadpanned.
He rapidly turns around, " who was that in the car? " He spats, lifting himself from the bed and looming over me.
" It hurts to know that you can't trust me, " I humphed, " but if you want to know who that was, well, that was my dad. Remember, I went to parents house for dinner? "
He must have forgotten after the argument.
" Did you not get the text? "
He adverts his eyes away, his cheeks and ears burned with a dust of pink. His false jealousy and assumptions causing him to be embarrassed.
I could almost laugh at his expression if I did not feel sadden of him thinking of me as untrustworthy.
" Why would you think I would cheat on you? " I wondered.
He hangs his head with regret, " I'm sorry bunny, " he expresses his regret before continuing, " I was overthinking and I inaccurately assumed you would be with another man, your too good for me and I'm scared you will be snatched from my grasp. "
My mouth parts open for a short period before I spoke, " Aiden, don't think I'm too good for you. "

I hugged him, " Your the best husband and my only husband, I will always be yours until the end. "

He lessens the space between us, " That makes me really happy to hear that, I love you bunny. "
" I love you too my lion, " I smiled.
I draw away from his hold, " So what's for dinner?"
" How bout pizza and garlic bread? " He suggested.
I shrugged my shoulders, " That's fine. "


Scenes of the movie flash across the screen as we snuggled underneath the warmth of a blanket. I take bite of the pepperoni pizza, struggling to get the stretchy cheese into my mouth. The strings of cheese sticks to my mouth, spreading the pizza sauce everywhere. I huffed through my nose. As I was about to lick it up with my tongue, Aiden leans down and kisses me, lapping up the sauce and loose cheese strings. I sat stiffed with shock. Aiden looks down at me and licks his lips, " Pizza tastes better when it comes from your lips. "
I turn my head back to the TV blushing. Aiden cackles and tugs me into his lap.
" Are you wanting to sleep on the couch tonight? " I asked jokingly giving his side a soft nudge with my elbow.
His cackles mellows down and he kisses my head.
" Your too cute, " He cooed petting my hair. I sigh and lay my head against his chest. The night continues with the joking and sweet gestures until a bing of a message interrupts. I grab my phone. Aiden leans his head on my shoulder, starring directly at my phone.
" Who's Aaron? " He asked.
I glanced at him, " Do you not remember my brother? "
He oh's before asking another question, " What does he want? "
" He wants to meet tomorrow, he says that we need to talk. "
" Isn't he the one who put you through all that trouble back in school? "
" Yeah, " I agreed grimacing at the memory.
" Are you going to go? " Aiden wondered.
" I think I am, " I thought as I speaked, " Even though he put me through all that mental and physical abuse, I am still concern if he is doing okay. "
" I don't trust him to be with you. " Aiden argued.
" He mentioned my mom being there. " I comfort him.
" You know I don't care for her that much either, " He said matter of factly and sighs, " but I do trust her more than your brother. "
" It's settled then, " I say replying Aaron with an ' okay '.


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// Written: February 7, 2021 //
// Total of words: 748 //

𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝// 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now