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- Sorry for any mistakes - A/N -
Warning: Inappropriate Language

I wake as if it's an emergency; memories of last night comes flooding back like a river. My heart beats fast and theres a buzzing in my brain and together they are as panicked.Before rising out of the bed, I gave myself a moment to shed the sleepiness from my brain. I shuddered as the cooliness pricked at my warm skin. I dragged my feet to the door; the door creaks as I pushed it open, exposing a faint aroma of pancakes. I followed the aroma to the kitchen where I spot Aiden standing over the stove. I accidently bumped into one of the counter stools, causing Aiden it twirl around to look at me. He smiles at me, " Morning bunny. "
I stayed quiet.
He frowns and then exhales sofly, " I know you're upset with me but I promise we can talk about it after you have had your breakfast. "
His eyes lingered on me; I sat down on the stool and pointed towards the stove, hinting that the pancake was starting to burn.
He gasp and turns to flip the pancake, I relaxed now that I didn't have his attention on me.
Aiden reaches into the cabinet that was above the stove and grabbed two glass plates. He gently sets a plate down in front of me and one beside me. He opens the refridgerator and takes out the butter and syrup. He shoves the two into the pit of his arm and then grabs two forks and the plate of pancakes.
He sits down beside me after putting everything down onto the counter, " How many pancakes do ya want bunny? "
" Two." I murmured.
He stabs the fork in a pancake and puts it onto my plate, he then does the same with another. I grab the butter and scooped a bit on my pancakes, then I smuther them with syrup. I cut a piece and wolfed it down. I hummed happily at the taste, it warmed my body up.
" I tried to make them perfect for you, " He says before adding, " it's also an apology for the way I behaved last night. "
" Knowing usually your culinary skills only extend to toast and cereal, they are pretty good. " I joked lightly taking another bite.
" Hey! " He says hitting my shoulder. Not only did that suprised me, It caused me to choke on my pancake.
" I'm sorry, " Aiden repeats patting my back.


After that small incident and finishing the rest of breakfast in silence, we stepped into our bedroom; Well, we couldn't talk the living room since it was half-way destroyed and Aiden hiring people to clean and refurnish the room.
He shuts the door behind us, we sat across each other on the bed.
" Where would you like to start? " He asked rubbing the silk sheets between his fingers.
" Is it true, " I asked, " that she forced herself onto you? "
His hands quickly cups my hands and he leans in, " Yes bunny. I love you way too much to cheat on you. I would beat the hell out of myself if I ever did or thought of doing it. "
That was a relief, I squeezed his hands.
" Is the girl okay? "
Even if the woman tried to be a home wrecker, I was still concern.
Aiden face fall and his eye twitches at the mention of the woman, " Yes, I woke her up after putting you in here last night. "
I sigh.
" You will never have to worry about her again. " He says in a darken manner.
" What do you mean? " I puzzled.
An unsettling smiles made it's way onto Aiden's face, " Don't worry about it bunny. "
"O-okay, " I faltered taking my eyes away from his.
" Hey, Look at me, " He tells me gripping my chin tenderly and moving my head to look at him. His face still held that unnerved smile.
" Everythings fine, shes' fine. I'm still with you bunny, forever and always. " He assured.
My belly ached with uneasiness, I sweep the feeling to the side thinking I was taking it the wrong way.
" Uh, I think that's everything I wanted to ask but if I have anymore questions, I will be sure to ask. " I told him, getting off the bed.
" Where are you going? " He queried, also slowly getting off the bed like he was getting prepared to chase after his prey.
" I was just wanting to get a cup of tea," I said, licking my dry lips.
"Oh, my bad bunny. I forgot to offer something to drink during breakfast. " He apologized coming over to me and putting his hand on the small of my back. He pushes me softly towards the door.


I drenched my thrist with a gulp of tea. I place cup on the counter, " You didn't have to work today? "
" No, I told them that I was taking the day off. " He answers while slowly shaking his head 'no'.
" hm, " I hummed, not knowing what to say and... I was kinda bored, " What do you want to do today since you have the day off? "
His mouth thins to a straight line as if he was thinking.
" I mean, " He starts then suggested, " We can do the usual; cuddling, eating take out, and watching a movie; or I recently found a secluded place where we could go visit for a picnic. "
" A pinic sounds amazing, " I gushed.
" Well let's get to making the food. " he chuckles.


Not gonna lie, writng the bedroom part made me feel uneasy.

// Written: February 7, 2021 ///
// Total of words: 918 //

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