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- Sorry for any mistakes - A/N -
⚠️ Warning: inappropriate language ⚠️

We paced through woods, dodging trees and tree branches along the way. Aswell as dodging countless amounts of spider webs and animal dens too.
" I think we are close, " Aaron confirmed, " I can see the blue tints of the car through the trees. "
My heart swells with optimism but then deflates at the distant calls of my name.
" Adaline! "
" Aaron. " I started to freak, my fingers nipping at his sleeve to gain his attention.
" I know, let's keep going. "
Our pace switches to a run, stumbling on a few large branches and unnoticeable holes on the way to the car.
" Adaline, get back here! "
I grasped the handle, yanking at it panically.
" Hurry! "
" I'm trying! " He uttered, fidgeting with the keys. Almost simultaneously, we both snatch the door open and dive into the car. Aaron shoves the key into the ignition, twisting it until the sound of the engine's violent revving was apprehended.
My chest falls with a noisy exhale of sudden ease-the question ' how for long?'
still consuming my thoughts.
' I just know he'll be out looking for me. '
I watched with dispirt and drained eyes as the tress faded and contort into a jumble blur, the car was passing them with great speed. What now?


Was it the right decision to go to the police? At this moment it didn't seem like it was; I and Aaron were placed into a room to discuss about our situation. The tension was heavy between us and officers, people thought I was dead and now they are speechless-I was too.
" Are you acting out again, Mr.May? "
They also didn't want to believe us either, mostly my brother. From what I heard Aaron was consumed with me not being dead, which he was right, but people blew him off as a heartbroken man who was in denial of his beloved sister being gone. Aiden being very known and possibly having connections with the authorities also made it hard for people to believe that I was kidnapped by him.
" What, no!? "
The officer exhales and drops his head slightly, releasing a vibe of disappointment and annoyance.
" Look even if I took up this case, I couldn't do much without any evidence," The officer exasperated.
The officer pushes himself from his office chair and stares Aaron in the eye, " if you keep acting out, we'll have to get you some help. "
" But he's not lying, sir! " I exclaimed, my voice raising a bit. The officer's dole and bagged eyes stared into mine, his forehead creases and he rubs his fingers against his forehead.
" Just leave, I have other problems to deal with. "
" But- "
" Come on! " Aaron huffs angrily, jerking from the chair and snatching me out of the room by my wrist.
" Fucking cops, " Aaron hissed under his breath, " useless! "
I stared down at my lap silently before I spoke, " what now? "
" We are going to dads, " He instructed, " if Aiden comes, we'll deal with him our selves. "
Aaron contemplates up at the rear-veiw mirror, which reflected the back of the car and a duffel bag that sat in the backseat.
" What do you mean? "
" We'll kill him. "


The end is coming you guys, possibly the next chapter. 😔

// Written: April 25, 2021 //
// Total of words: 531 //

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