Chapter 13

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Sorry I didnt update the other day. Im still crocheting stuff to sell. I'm working on a charizard plushie for my cousin (who is buying it). YES I MAKE POKEMON ^_^

Private message me if youre interested!


Logan's POV

I heard yelling from somewhere in the mansion. It sounded bad so I went to see what the commotion was about.

When I saw what had happened I instantly regretted it. My only friend was laying limp in Ciel's arms and blood dripped down her paling face. I ran and carressed her once rosy cheeks. "No no no no no!" This had to be a dream, a terrible nightmare. This couldn't be real. Who would hurt her!? She's always so kind and respectful!

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Elizabeth clutching a fire stoke, blood on the end. I felt my eyes burn with such hate I never thought I'd feel again since the fire. 

Ciel's POV

Logan had come to the scene, I could tell she was wondering who would do such a thing. Until she saw the weapon in Elizabeth's hand. I could feel her anger radiating from her. Elizabeth's eyes went wide in horror and she screamed and ran out of the room.

I turned my attention back to the blonde in my arms, she was getting colder by the minute. "Logan. Get Sebastian." I commanded as I moved Kimberly closer to the fire.

Logan's POV

I ran through the hallways looking for Sebastian. "Sebastian!! Sebastian hurry!!!" My voice was shril and tear filled. I had begun crying once Elizabeth had left. 

To my relief Sebastian came out of a room and ran to me, enveloping me in a hug. "What is it? What happened?" 

"E-Elizabeth attacked K-Kimberly," I choked out through sobs. "s-shes bleeding r-really bad."

Ciel's POV

I continuously struggled to fight my emotions from showing as I tried to stop the still heavy bleeding. Thankfully it wasnt long before Logan and Sebastian ran in. Surprisingly Sebastian looked like he was genuinely worried as he ran over with bandages and towels. I watched as he tended to what I could definately tell was a very deep headwound. 

"It broke her skull, but she'll survive. If Elizabeth wouldv'e hit any harder it wouldv'e hit her brain and killed her." 

"But she'll live right?" I struggled to keep my voice from trembling, luckily I succeeded. 

"Yes, my lord. I see you're very compasionate this evening. May I ask why?" Sebastian smirked at me. Dammit! That demon butler always had to find some deeper meaning to a simple question!

"I'm simply worried for her for my sister's sake. We both know how fond they are of eachother." I lied smoothy. His smirk faded and he glanced at Logan who sat on the floor crying.

This was to be a very long night.

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