Highway Don't Care.

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A couple of weeks had passed since your first case with the BAU, and there hadn't been any more unsettling texts so you tried your best to forget about it. After all, maybe it was just a stupid prank. However you couldn't stop your heart from beating just a little faster any time you thought about it.

As for cases, there had been a few more and each time it seemed as though you were proving yourself more and more. You got along well with the team which made working with them easier and within these few weeks it felt like you had simply been there forever. Everything was just natural.

You knocked on the door of Hotch's office, entering once you heard his voice softly say;

"Come in."

You smile softly as you walk inside.

"I brought that report from yesterday." You place the file on his desk gently.

"You know, Y/N, you didn't have to do that today." He raises an eyebrow.

You nod and chuckle softly, "I know, Hotch. But if I get these things done quickly then you can go through it quicker and you're left with less work when the rest of the team hand theirs in."

It's his turn to chuckle. "Yes, this is true."

"Sooo.. you could just say thank you and not argue with me." You wink as you make your way back out of his office and down to your desk in the bullpen. You and Hotch had gotten especially close, it was nice. You didn't know much about him but you could tell he just.. needed someone to be there for him, and god, you were certainly happy to fill that role.


Your first time out for drinks with the team followed the next case. You almost let your nerves get the best of you. Sure, you and the team got along perfectly at work and in the field.. But this was different, you weren't at work. You were all just simply people going out for drinks together.

Picking out your outfit had been a bit of a disaster, you weren't sure how casual this outing actually was. Eventually, you managed to decide on a pair of black skinny jeans and a v neck top with a little frill, along with some heels. Heels were certainly your preferred shoe, even at work. Emily was picking you up and you really didn't want to hold her up so you settled on natural makeup with just your eyes being slightly darker than usual and your natural hair. You met her outside your apartment and got into her car.

"Y/N! You look amazing!" She smiled, you took a look at her outfit and chuckled softly.

"Look who's talking, Prentiss." You winked and she shook her head a little.

"You flirt. And wow, your place is nice!" She raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Thanks." You smile, but don't elaborate and she doesn't push. That's why you got along so well with Emily, both of you were there to listen to each other when necessary but neither of you pushed or pried.

The bar you were meeting at, O'Keefe's, was only a couple of blocks away from your apartment so you arrived fairly quickly. You probably could've just walked, but there was a slight chill in the air and it was dark so you didn't want to risk it.

You and Emily made your way inside and found the rest of the team, everyone welcoming you two. You noticed Garcia was already probably two drinks in as her and Morgan bickered about something random. Rossi was sipping on his drink and engaging in casual conversation with JJ and Hotch, who both had their drink of choice in their hand, while Reid didn't look like he drank anything yet, but was engaging in conversation anyway. You slip into the booth beside Hotch.

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