Paper Rings

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since you guys love all the domestic fluff so much and i feel like i want to flesh this story out a bit more, i think i might do another two chapters of almost pure fluff with some career stuff! i love writing fluff but i don't want the story to get boring as i have so much planned for it ...

tw for mention of gunshots, kidnapping, case details <3


Over the following two months, cases seemed to slow down for the team. This meant a lot more paperwork in the office for everyone to do, especially Hotch. However, it also meant a lot more weekends off at home and you definitely wouldn't ever complain about time spent at home with Aaron. You had almost fallen into a comfortable schedule, since you had one case every two weeks, if even. You and Aaron spent most of your Saturdays and Sundays alone together, apart from a usual hangout on one of the weekend evenings in the home of one of the team members. It usually ended up being Rossi's.

Friday afternoon was always the hardest, time seemed to sluggishly roll by as everyone tried to finish their paperwork. You let out a yawn that came out louder than anticipated which made Emily look over and chuckle.

"Tired, Y/N?" She raised an eyebrow and you nodded, stretching a little in your chair.

"Sitting here is more tiring than actually being out on a case." You complained slightly. The grass was always greener on the other side.

Emily nods. "I get that. Something about sitting in a chair all day is exhausting." She pulls a face. You both sigh at the exact same time which made you chuckle. Another twenty tireless minutes of filling out paperwork went by until Garcia came bursting into the bullpen.

"Y/N, Emily, Jayje. Girls night, tonight, at my place, it is mandatory so do not even try to argue with me!" She stands in front of all of you as you all stare back at her. The three of you knew better than to argue with her, you knew girls nights were impossible to say no to, so you just laugh lightly and nod in agreement.

"I'm in." You smile at Garcia, to which she responds with an excited clap of her hands and an even wider smile than yours.

"Me too." JJ agrees, mirroring your bright smile.

"Me three." Emily shrugs and chuckles, which only encourages Garcia's excitement.

"Amazing! We can watch movies and eat pizza and drink wine and gush and gossip about everyone's love life." She keeps rambling as she heads back to her cave-like office, but none of you can really make out what she's saying. As you finish off the last bit of your paperwork for the day you decide it would be a good time to drop into Aaron's office and make him aware of your plans for the night. You gathered up any of the paperwork he had to sign off on and made your way up the stairs to his office, using your signature knock so he knew it was you before walking inside. The corners of his lips turn up ever so slightly when he sees you.

"Hey." He looks up at you from his chair so he can make eye contact. As you looked down at him, you couldn't help but chuckle at how weird that felt, you were quite a bit shorter than him so you were used to looking up at him. His words snapped you out of your thoughts. "What are you laughing about?"

You shake your head. "Nothing, nothing. I was just thinking about how usually it's you looking down at me, not vice versa." You shrug.

"You're right." It was his turn to chuckle lightly now.

You place the paperwork down on his desk. "Here's all of your stuff to sign off on. Oh, also, Garcia invited me and the two other girls to girls night at her place, so unfortunately you'll be missing me tonight." You pout, only half jokingly. He stands up and walks around to stand in front of you, placing his hands on your sides.

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