Welcome to New York

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hoping to get this update out somewhat soon but we'll see how it goes :/ i'm so annoyed because i'm just so busy with work and everything else currently and i find it hard to find time to write, but i'm trying! i promise!

tw for mention of gunshot wounds ig?


You almost run into the hospital room, breathing a sigh of relief when you see Aaron sitting up and alert. He smiles as you walk in.

"Hi sweetheart." He looks right at you and a shiver runs down your spine and you try not to cry.

"I thought you were dead." Your lip quivers a little bit as you walk closer to him. You really had thought the worst when you didn't know what happened to the team.

"I'm okay though. It's only my shoulder." He shakes his head, a sling supporting his left arm. you take his right hand in yours and bite your lip.

"I know.. I just, I couldn't help but think the worst. I know it's silly." You sigh deeply. You would never be able to express exactly how much you cared about him.

"You were worried about me, that's okay. But I'm just fine, they're even letting me go home today as long as I'm careful." He reassured you, squeezing your hand gently. You took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay, well you're going to have to do a lot of resting at home. I'm not letting you do anything strenuous." You look at him with a stern expression that was only really half a joke. He chuckles and shakes his head at you.

"Whatever you say darling." He raises an eyebrow.

You helped with the discharge papers, getting Hotch out of the hospital fairly quickly. You had insisted on driving. You spoke to the doctor yourself and he gave you a set of rules to follow on what Aaron was allowed to do and what he wasn't allowed to do in order to avoid the risk of re-injury. You spent the drive home listening to one of your playlists, Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood was one of the particular songs that made Hotch chuckle.

"This song is very.. bold." He stated, glancing over at you. You chuckled at him and shook your head, keeping your eyes on the road.

"It's a good song! You can't lie." You shrugged and continued to drive, singing along to the words softly.

The drive went fairly quickly for both of you and you soon pulled up outside of what was now your shared house, your apartment long forgotten. However, you kept paying the lease on it, just in case. You parked the car outside and got out, unlocking the door for both of you so that Aaron wouldn't even try to fuss around looking for keys. He gave you a little look but he didn't say anything, silently heading inside with you.

"Are you hungry? Or do you maybe want some tea?" You turn to him and look into his eyes.

"Don't baby me, Y/N. I'm alright." He tried to convince you, but it didn't work very well.

"Well I have strict orders from the doctor, so I will be following those." You shake your head and shrug slightly. He moves closer, taking your hand in his healthy one and pulling you into him as far as he can before you stop in order to not lean against his shoulder.

"There's only one thing I need right about now." He smirks and leans in, kissing you deeply. His lips love against yours expertly and you let yourself relax into the feeling a little. You kiss him back passionately, resting a hand on his cheek and feeling the stubble that appeared there after he hadn't been shaving for only a couple of days. You smile into the kiss. You feel his healthy hand roam around your body, down your sides, squeezing your waist softly before moving on down and feeling the curves of your ass. His hand feels around your ass for a while, pulling you in closer by your ass.

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