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I've realised I haven't updated in quite a while and the last chapter was all very dramatic but the drama never stops so pls don't kill me! I got a new phone though so hopefully that will be helpful in my update schedule being a little more regular.

tw for hospital care ( idk if that's a trigger but just in case! ), case details as usual!


Your recovery process in the hospital took a lot longer than you would've liked for it to. You were not cut out for lying around in a bed, hooked up to IV's and machines while other people did everything for you. You had always been independent and you were convinced it was part of your charm. You felt weak now, even though you knew that was stupid. You survived, and that sure as hell wasn't even close to weak. You sustained many minor injuries along with a few more serious ones. A broken rib that really put you in a critical state after damaging your lung being one of the serious ones. You were fully aware that you could have very easily died and you thanked your lucky stars that the team came to save you. Aaron came to save you. Not only that but he sat there with you tirelessly for days when you first arrived in the hospital. You weren't sure exactly how long he was there but you knew that every time you drifted in and out of consciousness following your surgeries, you had seen him.

However critical your physical injuries had been, you worried about your own psyche. You had a lot of time to think while being practically strapped down to the hospital bed. You knew the statistics and the usual protocol following events like this which made you certain that therapist sessions were in your future, a lot of them. But you were alive. That's what you had to remind yourself of every time you started to get panicky. No matter what happened from here on out, you survived and that was the important part. You also knew the team would be there with you in any way they could, even as you were in hospital they were all incredibly helpful. Garcia came in multiple times daily with magazines and books for entertainment along with a good movie each day in case you got bored of weird hospital TV. JJ dropped by with snacks and made sure you stayed hydrated every day, in a very 'mom' fashion. Morgan visited often, and usually brought Reid along with him. Morgan would compliment you even in your not so glamorous state and Reid would talk your ear off with his usual ramblings, but you appreciated them now. You would never take them for granted. Rossi brought you his expertly cooked dinners as often as he could manage and although you rarely finished the meal, you appreciated it. Emily spent almost as much time in your room as Aaron. If she wasn't in the room with you, then she was outside it. You were sure she had barely left the hospital since you were admitted, even though she argued otherwise. Whatever way it happened, you were just glad to have your best friend there to keep you company.

And Aaron. He was there all the time, even after everything that happened between you two. You knew it was wrong, that just because you were injured doesn't mean he doesn't still have a wife and child. But for now, you didn't have the strength to argue with him about that so you stayed quiet and let him take care of you. He was so over the top that if you weren't so head over heels in love with him, he would certainly be annoying. He asked you about pretty much everything; if you had enough pillows, if you were too warm or too cold, if you were hungry or thirsty, if you wanted a different movie on. The questions were never ending, and yet still, you had never appreciated him more than in this moment. You needed him right now and if it were up to you, you would have him by your side forever. As selfish as you knew it was, you wished Haley had never shown up. Things would be much simpler that way, you and Aaron would still be as happy as you were and you might not have even been tortured and nearly murdered. But life has a funny way of making things work, and you could only hope all of this would amount to something good eventually.


You ended up temporarily moving into Emily's apartment with her. You couldn't bare the thought of being alone with your thoughts and anxiety right now, and especially not in your old apartment. Yours and Emily's work schedules were pretty much identical anyway so it actually worked out well, even if for the first couple of weeks living with her, you weren't cleared in the field and had to stay behind when they went on cases. You had told Emily to not worry about you but she didn't even give you a chance to argue before telling you she was staying with you and you two could work the case from home. As much as you had wanted to protest, fighting with Emily Prentiss was a waste of time, so you just allowed her to be protective. She was here for you like no one else was, it was almost scary how well the two of you got along. Whilst you knew Aaron was your romantic soulmate; Emily was certainly your platonic soulmate.

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