Death by a Thousand Cuts

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i am SO SORRY for not updating for so long, i hope y'all don't hate me for leaving it the way i did omg

i'm absolutely loving writing this story and i can only hope you guys love it as much as i do <3

tw for stalking as per!


For the first thirty seconds your feet felt frozen to the ground as Haley's words echoed around your head. Husband. That one word made you feel a little physically sick. You knew if you got into an elevator, Hotch would follow and you would be trapped in there with him. Once you got your thoughts together you went straight for the staircase, walking quickly and ignoring the concerned stares the other team members were giving you. You could hear footsteps behind you as you started storming your way down the stairs.

"Y/N, wait." Aaron's voice rang out behind you and that nauseous feeling came back as you kept jogging down the stairs. "Y/N!" Somehow, he managed to catch up to you on the small landing between stairs. He put his hand on your arm to stop you and turned you around to face him.

"I don't want to talk to you." You hiss at him, shaking your head. "Let go of my arm, now." You try to keep eye contact but you can't, it hurts too much.

"You have to at least let me explain, please." He sighs, you can tell he's concerned. He's never seen you this upset.

"No, Aaron. I don't owe you anything, I don't have to do anything. There's no explanation necessary. You're married, you have a wife. End of story." You shake your head and try to pull away from him but he's still holding onto your arm.

"No, that's not it. That's not the whole story." You can hear the pleading tone in his voice, but you can't let yourself cave and listen to him. You'll cry then, in front of him, and you wanted to at least save that until you got back to your car.

"I don't care. Let go of my arm." You growl, trying to pull away again. Once again, he's still holding on so you hit your fists against his chest and push him back, trying to get past him to go down the stairs all the way, but he stands in your way on purpose. "Get out of my way." He doesn't move, but you only grow increasingly angry, feeling the adrenaline course through your veins. "Seriously, get the fuck out of my way!" You shove past him and run down the stairs as fast as you can, without another word. Once you get out to the parking lot you run to your car, getting inside quickly and finally letting the waterworks go.

The tears stream down your face as a violent sob escapes your body. You scream as loudly as your lungs can take until they feel like they're going to burst, your thoughts are consumed with Aaron. All you can see is his face, his smile, those early mornings with him where you would both make the others coffee, because it tastes better when someone else makes it for you. Those memories haunt you and they only make your sobs harder. You're startled by a knock on your car window, you try and pretend that you haven't been crying but you know it's useless when your eyes meet Emily's. You roll down the window.

"You need to get forgetting-your-own-name kind of drunk." She stated simply, it wasn't a question. She was one of your best friends and she knew what would help you, she knew you better than most people. You wanted to argue but you couldn't even form a valid point of argument so you just nodded. "Come with me, I'll drive us to my place. You're not driving anywhere like that." She shook her head and you complied, getting out of your car and grabbing your purse before following her to her car. A silence fell between the two of you as you both buckled up and Emily started to drive, surprisingly it was a comfortable silence and not an awkward one. She was the first one to speak up, about halfway through the relatively short drive.

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