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LEANING AGAINST A TREE IN TROY'S BACKYARD, Y/N looks up and watches the night sky that is littered with billions of twinkling lights. She rests her head against the rough bark as she hears the distant conversation between Chad and Taylor. Her view of the stars is blocked however as she feels a hand go over her eyes.

"Guess who." A voice murmurs against her ear, causing her to roll her eyes mockingly.

"Hm-m." The girl hums, before gasping. "Is it my tall, handsome, and caring boyfriend?"

The hand slips away from her eyes, revealing Troy staring at her with his baby blue ones. "I think you mean you're tall, handsome, and caring boyfriend who comes bearing a gift for his queen."

Troy mockingly bows as he holds a plate full of food out to Y/N causing her to squeal. She gently grabs the plate from his hand, before grabbing a fry from the plate. Troy laughs before walking behind Y/N holding her close as she holds a fry over her shoulder to his mouth.

The next few moments were just spent passing the food back and forth as they just enjoy each other's presence. The party is still raging on as they listen to the music and the sounds of cheers. Handing the Troy the last bite of food, Y/N sets the plate on a nearby table before walking back to her boyfriend.

Troy gently grabs his girlfriend's hand, leading her towards the ladder leading up to the treehouse that was nestled tightly into the tree they were leaning against.

The two climb up the wooden ladder before taking a seat on the makeshift balcony of the treehouse. Y/N leans her head against Troy's shoulder, waving at Kelsey.

"Hi!" Kelsey yells as she notices Y/N.

Y/N sighs content as she glances around the wooden structure. "So, another top-secret hiding place?"

"You're the second girl I've had up here." Troy answers causing Y/N to nudge him. Looking over at her, Troy sees the jealous expression on her face before explaining. "The first was my mom. She only climbed up here to get me down."

"Well, I'm honored." Y/N laughs, "This place is so cool."

"Me and my dad built it."

Y/N and Troy looks down upon the crowd as they watch their classmates celebrate their win. Noticing a familiar face, Y/N nods her head towards the man standing next to Troy's and Chad's dad. "Thats the coach from U of A down there?"

"Yeah." Troy breathes, looking at said man. "He's at my house."

"Yeah. Crazy. I bet he's already got your name on a locker."

"It's always been my dad's dream. Now I'm going to end up at his alma mater."

"My mom and I have been talking about Stanford pretty much since I was born." Y/N answers, understanding what Troy means.

"And you're already in. That's so cool." Troy praises as he presses a kiss on his girlfriends head.

Y/N smiles as she looks around the crowd. She sighs suddenly, "Except she won't stop talking about it. It's embarrassing." Y/N points into the crowd where her mother stands with Troy's and Taylor's and Chad's showing off her acceptance letter.

"Come on. She's proud of you." Troy exclaims before wrapping his arm around her. "I'm proud of you."

"The thing about Stanford is it's a thousand and fifty..." Y/N starts before trailing off.

"...fifty-three miles from here. I know." Troy continues, the mood turning somber. "It suddenly seems like the rest of the school year is coming so fast."

High School Musical 3 Senior Year: Troy Bolton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now