CM- Hotch

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The Interview(Pt. 1?)
Teaser: Female Reader X Dom!Aaron Hotchner
Pronouns: She/Her
Coding: Female

Warnings: Suggestive language. Spitting? Hair-pulling. Dom!Hotch. Daddy kink.

[Please note I will be updating the fandoms I do on here, so check that out if you want! Thanks for reading! I do requests, and I will do them all, I've just been having major writers' block! Sorry for the inconvenience.]

Imagine that in order to successfully interrogate an unsub who's fascinated with you, Hotch has to behave the way he usually only does behind closed doors.

"Ready?" your boyfriend asked you before entering the empty room where your suspect was waiting.
"When am I not?" you smiled. "I trust you, baby."
"I know," Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner smiled, before giving you a quick kiss. "But I don't wanna do this..."
"I know you don't," you sighed.
"Are you sure this is okay with you?" he asked uncertainly. "This feels pretty degrading..."
"Honey, we're well past that point, don't you think?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure?" he stared.
"Babe. I'm fine," you promised him. "My two favorite things are catching bad guys, and calling you 'daddy'."

This made him laugh.
"Quit wasting time, guys," Derek Morgan told you, "So we can watch the real show."
"Morgan," Dr. Reid sighed, "Don't be weird."

You just sighed, as your boyfriend opened the door to the interrogation room for you. You both entered, and the older suspect's eyes lit up upon seeing you.
"Well, hello again, Agent (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," he grinned.

You remained silent, and just sat down in front of him. Your face was expressionless.
"You're not talking to her, you're talking to me," Aaron glared at the older man. "Just like you said, I promised you she'd be in the room. But she's just here to listen, John. That's it."
"Fine," the suspect sighed. "What choice do I really have?"

He was referencing the cuffs around his wrists, which acted as restraints during the interrogation.
Hotch smiled. "I know you thought that this would be fun... us begging for information, so desperate that I let you ogle my girlfriend... But let me tell you one thing; you get to look, but only I get to touch."
"Is that so?" the serial killer provoked him.
"She's mine," Aaron Hotchner glared as he looked down at you. "Right, princess?"

He looked more than handsome in his crisp, clean grey suit and red tie. He looked like a man of honor and distinction; your man.
"Right," you nodded with a smile as he cupped your face softly.
"Open. Nice and wide, baby."

You gladly obliged, opening your mouth wide open as the creepy middle-aged man you had in custody watched in awe as Aaron bent down right in front of you, kissing you gently, with lips that were so damn soft, and then slowly spitting into your mouth. You grinned up at him, enjoying every bit of this interview, and swallowed with a smile.
"Good girl," Aaron beamed.

You giggled softly as he looked down at you, with his veined hand gently wrapped around your throat just beneath your jaw. He turned back to your unsub, smug as ever.
"Only I get to do that," he told him.
"Lucky man," John Bassett smiled. "If you really know as much as you say you do, then you know your girl here is just my type."
"I know all about you, you sick son of a bitch," Aaron Hotchner quipped. "I know that you blitz these women from behind, because ever since you were thirteen, you had trouble looking women in the eye. I know you have low self esteem because your mother was more of a man than you'll ever be, I know you can't even get off without a little blue pill, Bassett, I know everything," SSA Hotchner replied.
"You don't know anything about me," he scoffed, "All you did was Google my name, and throw a few basic sentences together. You're not a profiler, you're just a glorified fortune teller."
"And you're just a sad, impotent little man who has to hold a knife to a woman's head just to get her to want to have sex with him," your boyfriend remarked. "SSA (Y/L/N) might be your type... but you are far from hers, isn't that right, princess?" he asked you.
"Mm-hmm," you nodded.
"That's my girl," Aaron cooed, gently rubbing your shoulder up and down with his hand.

His fingers extended to their normal length as they traveled up and down your arm, just barely brushing your clothed breasts.
"I love you, daddy," you smiled.
"I love you," Aaron bent down to kiss your lips.

The suspect watched you both jealously, eye twitching with anger.
"You see, (Y/N) and I are together because we can both satisfy one another," Hotch explained, "In more ways than one. Every night when I get home, the first thing I do is throw down my keys, and show this beautiful woman how I feel about her," he recounted passionately.
"Over, and over, and over again... What we have is special," you agreed. "Any time we're together, it's so beautiful, and so right, that it's quite literally like we're making love. What you did, to those women... that's not making love. It's a perversion of love," you snarled with disgust.

A look of shame was reflected on the suspect's face.
"Look at you," Aaron spat, "So awfully pathetic. I bet if she asked you to, you'd lick the dirt off of (Y/N)'s shoes."

John Bassett said nothing.
"You're not good enough to lick the dirt off her shoes," he decided, affectionately stroking your hair.

Impulsively, he very lightly pulled your hair, lifting your face up to his. You smiled as he kissed just below your lips, sneaking a series of wet kisses all the way down to your collarbone. He suckled on the skin teasingly, keeping you aroused. Then, he stopped, and went back to the actual interrogation.
"If you give (Y/N) everything she wants to know, we might even let you watch us kiss," Aaron scoffed. "Come on. We both know you really are that pathetic."

You chuckled, kissing him again, allowing him to suck on your neck.
"Come on, John," you sighed, "Don't make me say anything mean... Just tell me where Jessica is, and it'll all be okay..."

You knew, of course, that that particular phrase would've struck a chord with him. Lord knows, he had mommy issues.
"Okay, okay, fine!" he caved in, tears coming to his eyes already.

That was much, much easier than yoy thought.
"I'll tell you," he promised me. "But I just want one thing."
"Depends on what it is," you reasoned.
"Can I..." the suspect was a mess. "Can I please have a hug?"

Aaron frowned, disgusted by this man, and you just sighed.
"Fine. After you tell us where she is, and after we've confirmed that she's been found," you deducted.
"You're really gonna hug this guy?" Aaron Hotchner whispered to you.
"What choice do I have?" you whispered. "We can make love again tonight!"

Multifandom Imagines: REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now