TO- Kol Mikaelson

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Dirty: Reader x Kol Mikaelson

Imagine having to wake up a heavy-sleeping Kol in the middle of a dirty dream by straddling him and teasing him.

It was nearly noon, and you had woken up nearly an hour ago. Your boyfriend, Kol, was still asleep.
"(Y/N)?!" a voice knocked on the door. "Breakfast time!"
  "Just a minute, please, Klaus!" You called.

You and Kol were currently living with the rest of his family, the famous and feared Mikaelson family, in one big house.
  "Don't be too long! I want to have Sunday breakfast as a family!" Klaus Mikaelson said a bit too aggressively, heading back downstairs.
  "Kol," You sighed, tapping him vigorously. "Time to get up now."

He didn't even stir; he was fast asleep.
  "Kol! Babe!" You groaned, rolling your eyes.

You were tired of having to wake him. Vampires could be so much more difficult to wake than humans. You frustratedly rolled him over on his side, straddling him impatiently as you literally slapped him on the face. He stirred, the slight expression appearing on his face seeming aroused.
  "Kol, this isn't funny, it's breakfast time, babe, get up."
  "Slap me again," he teased, waking slowly. "This is why I never bought an alarm clock."


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  "Finally. God. Who knew vampires can be such heavy sleepers?" You sighed exhaustedly.
  "I'd sleep more if it meant more of you treating me like royalty," he smirked.

   "I'd sleep more if it meant more of you treating me like royalty," he smirked

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"I don't deserve you."
  "Get over it," You sighed, leaning down to kiss him.

You relished in his desire, stopping just as your face was about to make contact with his, slapping him playfully. He raised an eyebrow, and you laughed, kissing him.
  "Now go brush your teeth. Your breath smells like ass, and we have to go eat breakfast."
  "Aw," Kol pouted. "Why can't I just have breakfast in bed off of your body?"

 "Why can't I just have breakfast in bed off of your body?"

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  "Well, on second thought," you grinned. "We could make that happen."
  "Okay," Kol nodded. "Let's get it going, then," he decided, gripping onto your sides as he kissed you deeply.
  "I love you, Kol," you mumbled.
  "I love you as well, (Y/N). And I so love hearing that," Kol groaned.
  "Ugh!" Klaus groaned, and you both stopped, jumping off of each other, seeing that he'd swung the door open. "Just come downstairs and enjoy a quick family meal!" he cried.
  "And get a room!" a startled and probably scarred Hope cried.
  "Well, we already had one, but what was the point?!" Kol Mikaelson retorted.
  "Oh, my God," you sighed. "You're something else, Kol."

Multifandom Imagines: REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now