Riverdale- Archie Andrews

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Sex Tape

Dirty/Angst: Female Reader x Archie Andrews

Imagine Ethel Muggs blackmailing you and Archie with a sex tape you two made.

Y/N/N=Your Nickname

Warning: This was really gross.

  "Hey, (Y/N)!" Sweet Pea, one of the South Side Serpents, calles out to you in the hallway of your school, Riverdale High.
  "What do you want?" you questioned impatiently.

You two didn't usually talk. You had both gone to South Side High before it had closed, and you weren't exactly the best of friends.
  "Nice moves. Didn't know you did that kind of stuff," he smirked at you as a couple of his friends snickered.
  "Huh?" you stared.
  "Come on.... that video? We saw it," one of the Serpents grinned. "We loved your work.... You wanna audition for my movie, (Y/L/N)?"

Now the pieces were starting to come together.... The boys were joking about and calling you a porn star. Because of some video, they said. Just like the one you had made about a week ago, with your fairly new boyfriend, Archie Andrews. But how had they seen it?! Archie would never share it with anyone.... would he? No. He loved and cared for you very much, after having been friends with you for so long, and wouldn't do that to himself anyways. It had to have been an accident of some sort. But how? How was the sex tape leaked?! You had no idea who could've gotten their hands on it. It was on Archie's computer, at home, on his personal account. You glared at your fellow Serpents as they all passed you in the hall, laughing, and ran into the bathroom, looking at your tear-stained face in the bathroom mirror. This couldn't be happening to you. You'd heard of this sort of thing happening before, to other people.... You never thought you'd be the one being ridiculed and harassed by the entire school. Right now, all you wanted to do was cry on your best friend Cheryl's shoulder, but you were in no such luck. Especially not since the awful Ethel Muggs entered the girls' bathroom instead.
  "Hello, (Y/N)," she greeted you coolly.
  "What the hell do you want, Ethel? Did you do this to me?!" you spat.

Ethel had always hated you for being friends with Veronica Lodge, and envied you for being popular, amongst north and south siders alike.
  "Oh, don't be so melodramatic," the girl rolled her eyes. "All I want is for you to do something for me, and I won't show the video to the rest of the school."
  "Fuck you," you sobbed. "I'd rather you turn my life into The Scarlet Letter than do something to help you."
  "Okay, well," Ethel sighed. "You'll know where to find me when you change your mind."

And with that, she headed for the bathroom door, but not before turning around slowly.
  "And (Y/N)...." she began. "If I don't see you by lunchtime today, your ex boyfriend's gonna get a lovely little surprise in his inbox."

Before you could even react, the psycho bitch was gone. You sobbed to yourself as you panicked in the mirror. Jughead could not see that video.... What was left of your friendship would be destroyed. It was bad enough that he already found out that you and his best friend were dating only two weeks after you had broken up.... This would destroy and humiliate him, and you as well. And Archie.... You had to tell Archie. What was in that video could completely destroy his life as well. You loved him too much to let that happen.


  "Archie!" you cried, seeing him in the hall during break.
  "Hey, (Y/N)," Archie Andrews smiled casually. "What's wrong?" he asked, as he wrapped his strong arm around you.

Archie always seemed to know when you were upset.
  "Babe," you murmured, looking up at your boyfriend. "Remember the video....?"
  "Oh, how could I forget?" he grinned, burying his face in your neck. "Why, did you wanna make a new one? Because.... I'm more than fine with that, but we're at school."
  "No, Archie...." you sighed frustratedly. "It got leaked...."
  "What?!" he yelled involuntarily.

Multifandom Imagines: REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now