Part 29 - Caught in the act

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Gabriel Agreste laid beside the woman he loved so much, rubbing the small bump on her belly with a blissful smile when a thought hit him.

"What are we, by the way?", he all of a sudden wondered.

"What do you mean?", Nathalie carefully tried to figure out, what he was implying.

The designer looked into her eyes before he explained:

"If somebody would ask me, who that beautiful woman right at my side is, what would I answer to them?"

The assistant blushed.

"Y-you mean if I was okay w-with people knowing about us?"

"That's one thing", he confirmed, "but what would I say, what you are to me? My assistant, who coincidentally is also having my child? The woman who loved my son and me so much, that she would have happily given her own life for our happiness. And who I fell in love with because of her amazingly big, loving heart in addition to her obvious good looks? The soon most beautiful and hottest mum the world has ever laid eyes upon?"

Nathalie covered her face with her hands.

"Stop that. You're making me feel so flustered, I won't ever be able to look into your eyes again!", she exclaimed.

Gabriel chuckled. He reached for her hands and pulled them down.

"It would be a shame to not look into those pretty, turquoise eyes", he hummed. "How about introducing you as the future Mrs. Agreste?"

"What?", was all she could say, before she just passed out.

Gabriel jumped to his feet, about to go and call an ambulance, when he saw her breathing was calm and even. He then thought about all the things, that had happened today and came to the decision, that it had just been all the stress, that was affecting her body. And to help her circulation and blood pressure, he put her feet higher than her head by placing them on top of two cushions. He then went into the little bathroom and soaked a cloth with cold water to lay on her forehead.

When he returned from the bathroom, she was already stirring and her eyes fluttered immediately open, the moment she felt the cold, wet fabric touch her skin.

Nathalie looked at Gabriel in confusion.

"Why did you? What happened?", she questioned

"You kind of passed out", he sheepishly explained, "after I...well...."

"Don't say it again, I remember", she yelled out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I just can't deal with that kind of jokes right now!", she added calmer.

"God Nathalie, what made you think I would be joking about something like that?", he uttered in shock.

"Just the fact, that you can't be serious, as your late 'wife' hasn't yet been dead for six months. I.......well......I am finally.......ready to.....become official....and face whatever people will say about me......but.....", she sighed deeply, a small part of her still waiting for him to reject her.

Gabriel was speechless for a moment. He was convinced, that she would never be willing to make their love official, because she was too afraid of all those rumours starting again. He gulped, trying to swallow the lump in the back of his throat, then leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

"Erm, I thought I could make another attempt, to get us something to drink and that snack I was going to get when I ran into Adrien. I don't want you to pass out again." The concern could still be heard in his voice.

The designer pecked her cheek, before he stood up and as he was almost at the door cheerfully uttered:

"At least you did not object to the idea of becoming my wife completely."

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