Part 19 - Nurse Gabriel

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The food arrived only half an hour after Gabriel had ordered it. The designer even went for the gate himself, when he heard the ringing of the doorbell.

He gave the pizza girl a very generous tip to then rush back to the woman he truly loved, to try and get some food into her system eventually, before she would pass out from the lack of nutrition.

Nathalie had closed her eyes, hoping, that if she could sleep, she wouldn't feel so sick anymore. But instead, she felt only worse, because now she really was hungry and her stomach ached from the lack of food. She groaned, knowing, that whatever she would eat, was most likely coming back after a short while. But maybe Gabriel had been right and she really couldn't deal with all the healthy stuff, that doctor had told her to eat.

She heard him enter her room, but kept her eyes still shut.

"You don't need to try and be silent", she whispered, "I am not asleep, though I wished I was!"

"For the moment it's good, that you're not", he replied."Maybe you can eat a little and then fall asleep, and this will do the trick to keep the food in!"

"Tried that too, doesn't work. I wake up when the urge to throw up gets too strong!", she tried to explain. Though the tea had calmed her throat, her voice was still rasp and barely audible.

"We'll see", he gave back. "Would you rather go with the soup or really try this?", he pointed at the pizza carton.

"The soup will probably be much easier to swallow, right?", she questioned.

Gabriel nodded. "I would say that too."

"Let's try the soup then!", she sighed.

He carried the bowl to her nightstand and set it down there, to help he young woman sit up first. She tried to hold in another coughing fit, while she was in Gabriel's arms, but failed and coughed violently into his shoulder.

"Maybe I should call a doctor, Nathalie. You are really starting to scare me.", the concerned man suggested after she had stopped coughing.

"Please don't. I'm gonna be fine, I promise", she croaked.

Sighing he stared into her eyes.

"Maybe I won't, if you tell me what you haven't told me yet. What are you hiding from me, Nathalie?", he begged her with pleading eyes.

"There are things I just can't talk about, things I am to embarrassed to talk about. So can you please leave it be."

"My dear Nathalie, I have not only seen all of you, I have also touched and kissed you everywhere. I did literally screw you until you screamed. And still there are any health conditions that embarrass you in front of me?", he blurted his thoughts straight out, not able to contain them any longer.

"Maybe that's part of the issue", she heavily breathed out, trying to get away from him. But he just didn't let her and pulled her even tauter against his chest.

"So you're telling me, you're embarrassed, 'because' I've seen all of you? You didn't get hurt while we were....?", he now asked even more worried than before.

She shook her head rapidly.

"No Gabriel, I didn't get physically hurt while we were, how did you just call it, screwing? And neither of us was at fault for the mental pain after that. Except maybe me, when I bailed out", she hissed in a squeaky voice.

"So you do know, what's causing your actual condition?", he was almost yelling at her now.

Nathalie again shook her head. Then started to cough again, to hold her mouth shut with her hand right after that. But this time she could hold it back as there wasn't anything left she could have thrown up anyway. The designer instantly stopped ranting and held her tight again, stroking her head until she calmed down.

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