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"Why isn't it working Davina?" Marcel asked anxiously as the teenage witch shook her head confused, "When I started the spell I could feel her but now I can't. I think she found peace..."

Marcel turned around so the teenage witch couldn't see him, couldn't see as the tears streamed down his face, he was so close to getting his sister back, but now this time he had to accept her fate.

When Kol Mikaelson reached the other side, he was happy to finally find the one he loved. He searched for Callista Emrys, and after days of not finding her, he came to the conclusion she was not here, and his world was thrown of its axis once again.

The other side began to collapse and Esther Mikaelson appeared to Kol. "My son, we have much to discuss in short time, come." Kol had no choice but to follow his mother. They ended up in New Orleans watching his siblings from the other side, as everything around them began to collapse.

"You have committed many atrocities that even the devil himself quakes at your name."

Kol remained silent as Esther looked at New Orleans contemplatively. "But I cannot deny my part in your atrocities," his mother continued.

"However, there was a time I was proud of you. New Orleans, when the witch Callista Emrys still walked the very paths we are upon."

The original began to grow angry not wanting his mother to speak of his darling Callista.

"I can resurrect you, put you in a witches body and you can live a different life, a better life. Or, you can stay here and hope you find peace like Callista Emrys did, but I must say I doubt that you could."

Kol Mikaelson has always been a constant factor over the course of a millennium. He had always been mischievous, psychotic, and given little cares for human lives. He ate and did anyone he wanted, simply because he could. Kol mikaleosn was the wildest of all Mikaelson's and Callista Emrys accepted him for how he was. When they were together, she never forced him to give up tearing people apart, she never forced him to do anything. When you are in love with someone, you are not meant to change a person, you are to accept them for who they are. And it was her acceptance that made Kol want to do better. In his a thousand years, he had no one to lean on, prove to, or help him through his pain. Callista, at first was just a pretty face but over time Kol found himself wanting to prove to her how good he can be.

And that's exactly what he did. The two were soulmates destined since the first collision in the universe. They are a mixture of pure starlight and stardust in a sea of never ending darkness. Their love was a collision of fates, a collision of power, and a collision that would tell a story forevermore.

Kol Mikaelson looked at life, he looked at everything he could have. He could have his life back, his magic, his siblings, and most importantly, a second chance.

Kol Mikaelson looked at all of this, and turned it away.

Kol Mikaelson could not take a life if it did not have his soulmate, he would drown in the sea of sorrows because he would never find anyone like her.

Their story is as famous as Shakespeare.


Hope Mikaelson heard her whole life about the story of Callista Emrys and Kol Mikaelson. One that was predestined by the universe. She was told time and time again how wild her uncle was, how he loved the pleasures of life, and yet he turned it away for the one he loved. Hope Mikaelson looks up to her passed aunt and uncle, she has and will only look for a love that was like theirs.


Callista sat beneath a giant magnolia tree, in a field of flowers. The sun draped down between the long branches, kissing her with its rays. She was reading a book of poetry, one by her favorite poet.

"How'd I know I'd find you here darling?"

The girl snapped her head up, a large grin on her face, she threw her book down and jumped into the arms of her love, her life, her very soul.

Kol grabbed the girl hugging her tight, tears were in his eyes as his fingers tangled within her hair.

"My poet," she whispered in his ear, "You caught me."

The two pulled back with stars shining in their eyes.

"How about another game of chase?"

And that's what they did.

They waited for their family to join them, they waited by spending time in each others arms, playing their favorite games and just resting in the light. They may have waited for years and years for everyone to join them but that was okay, because they had each other, forever till eternity.

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