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TW: this story mentions self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts, bullying (school), losing loved one

''Miss Y/L/N come here now'' you hear the nurses shout after you. The lights in the hallway are really bright and irritating you on your way out of this place. A slow part hopes you will make it out of here, you can not stand it in there any longer. You keep on running and as you turn around to check if the nurses are still sprinting behind you, you suddenly bump into someone and hit your head on the ground pretty hard. ''Y/N?'' you hear a familiar voice before everything goes black. 

One month before:

You are on your way back home from school and your head feels so heavy from todays exhausting events. The classes were okay and so were the teachers but your classmates showed no mercy today. They would often do this, pick on you, make you feel small when you would say something related to class. You got used to it after falling out with one of your best friends named Emma, she was your best friend since kindergarten but eventually she started ignoring you, picking on you with her new friends and now it's pretty much the whole class. You are a strong person and always seem fine on the outside but lately it has been getting to you, more than you would like. You are just walking next to the quiet streets, occasionally a car would drive by. Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you and when you turn to look you can see Emma and a few of her friends close behind you. Today has been enough already so you walk a bit faster trying to avoid them but they are faster than you. ''Hello Lesbian'' Emma almost shouts in your face. You regret every single personal detail you have ever told your ex best friend including your sexuality. You close your eyes and hope for this to be over soon but suddenly one of her friends pushes you and you land face first on the floor. Another one kicks your head down more onto the dirt path which hurts a lot more than you would think, a tear rolls down your face and then they thankfully leave, leaving you behind on the dirt path crying. 

For a moment you debate whether to just stay there, lying on a dirt path waiting until you die either from dehydration or some other reason. But you know you have to carry on for the only person which currently means anything to you and is keeping you going, you have to go home. Home is a funny thing isn't it? Some people think of a place when they hear the word home like a destination or a building but for some people it's a person, maybe a relationship or a relative. For you it's your granny, well she isn't actually your grandma but she's your foster moms mother. They took you in after you were born you don't really know anything about your real parents and your tried to find out for a long time but eventually gave up. Your foster parents are okay but they aren't great, they care about their own children and you once overheard a conversation that they only have you around for the money. The only one that seems to care about you is Julie, she is the sweetest soul and means a lot to you, she is the closest thing you have ever had to a real family. Thinking of her you decide to get up and walk home, as you pass your foster family's car you see your reflection on the mirror and notice a huge scratch on your face. There is no point in trying to cover that up you think to yourself while walking inside the house. The little kids are playing with their mom and no one bothers to even look up or say hello. 

''Hello dear, come over here will ya?'' Julie asks and you walk over to her. ''Oh my, whatever happened to you?'' she asks while noticing your scratch. You try and play it down but she insist that you sit down next to her and she cleans the wound for you. She reaches for something to disinfect it with and get rid of the blood and dirt and as she reaches for your face you notice she is really shaky today. ''Hey you okay?'' you ask concerned and she just nods telling you everything is fine. After thanking her for cleaning your face and putting a plaster on it she asks if you wanna watch her favorite tv show with her, which you happily agree to. You hardly sit there with her before Sandra your foster mom, calls for you to help prepare dinner, she gives you all sorts of ridiculous tasks, which she could have easily done herself. But you don't say anything because you don't wanna get into any trouble. After finally being able to sit down with Julie you sigh because it was quite exhausting doing the dishes, preparing dinner and cleaning the kids rooms. ''Y/N come here'' Pete your foster dad, shouts and as you get up Julie stops you and says ''Come on give the kid a break''. You fear the worst but to your surprise they just let it slide and let you carry on watching tv. After dinner when Julie went upstairs to sleep they assigned all sorts of tasks to you. 

Wilhemina Venable x Reader- RehabWhere stories live. Discover now