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The next morning you both got up at the usual time and after getting ready and having breakfast together you both leave to work. At work Mina as always accompanied you to your desk and she gave you a soft kiss before going back to her own office. You like being back at work and you are happy you actually got the position as you enjoy being able to do art and it actually being for cool robot scientific purposes. Lunch break approaches quickly and usually Wilhemina and you would eat in her office together so you make your way there and you both enjoy each others company while eating. ''Did you give my idea some thought?'' Wilhemina asks and for a moment you forget what she is talking about but you remember Dr. Lawrence and you decide to give it a go considering you have nothing to lose and Wilhemina gives you a huge smile and small hug as a sign she is proud of you before you both go back to working. Everything goes well and before you know it the entire week is over and you have officially worked there for over a week and your performance is improving and you have been praised multiple times by both Wilhemina and Jeff and Mutt for your impressive work. Finally it's Friday afternoon and you make your way over to Wilhemina's office. Normally she would always pick you up after she finishes but you have noticed that your girlfriend has been behaving differently for a few days. She would often be absent and seem distracted and she is on her phone more than usual and at first you thought you were exaggerating or reading too much into it but it's getting more obvious by the minute. You have been going to therapy again, after promising Mina and yourself last week and Dr. Lawrence was actually available because she has an office away from the rehab facility and although you have to drive half an hour for each session you don't mind because it is worth it. You told her everything that happened that weekend and you are both working on other techniques whenever you feel like self harming. For example talking about how you are feeling, writing it down or distracting yourself by doing things you like for example drawing or also sport to get rid of the aggression or pain. As you walk to Wilhemina's office you knock and you can tell she is on the phone to someone again. She hasn't asked you to step inside yet so you put your head a bit closer to the door trying to listen who she is talking to. ''Yes I will let her know tonight and then it should be done'' you hear your girlfriend say and your heart sinks a bit at hearing those words. Throughout the last week you have noticed Wilhemina's behavior and often negative thoughts or fears like her leaving you for someone else or her breaking up with you for relapsing or the whole Miss Stevens thing but Dr. Lawrence would remind you and reassure you that you shouldn't let your negative thoughts and overthinking distract you from reality. But after hearing her saying those words on the phone those negative thoughts appear again. ''Come in'' you finally hear her say and Wilhemina is just getting her cane and bag and is making her way over. ''Oh Hello darling, you okay?'' she asks and you simply nod still lost in thoughts. After leaving the office the entire car ride is silent but it's not a comfortable silence as usual it's uncomfortable and both of you can feel the tension. ''Are you okay?'' Wilhemina asks and you carry on looking out the window, not facing her and simply nod your head. This obviously doesn't go unnoticed by Wilhemina and she is worried about you. It takes a few minutes before you arrive at the house and as soon as you get inside you make your way to the bathroom to shower.

Wilhemina prepares dinner, she heats up some leftovers and she lit some candles and opened a bottle of wine. Tonight she wants to celebrate with you because she has got some exciting news for you. The last week she has been busy preparing a vacation for the both of you, she had to clear it with Jeff and Mutt and they were fine with it. She had some help of Matthew planning the holiday and that's why she has been so busy and absent sometimes, she didn't notice how her behavior has confused you and continues to do so. After getting out of the shower and sitting down by the dinner table you force a smile and Wilhemina looks at you before saying: ''Darling I gotta tell you something I-'' but you cut her off. ''It's fine Wilhemina I get it'' you snap trying to hold back the tears. ''I get it you are breaking up with me'' you say and look away. Wilhemina gets up from her chair and sits next to you and takes your hand but you still don't look at her. ''Look at me now'' she demands and your eyes slowly meet hers. ''Why ever would you say that princess?'' she asks concerned and you roll your eyes and say ''Oh come on I heard what you said on the phone about telling me'' and Wilhemina can't help but chuckle a little. ''Whats so funny?'' you say and Mina takes a deep breath before explaining. ''My love I have a surprise prepared for you I am taking you on vacation and I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression this week but I tried to keep it a secret'' she says and your cheeks turn slightly red because you feel like a complete idiot for making a fool out of yourself. ''I'm so sorry'' you say and look away still feeling so awkward about this. Wilhemina lifts up your chin so you are forced to look at her ''Hey no it's okay I'm sorry for being so secretive but I would never break up with you'' she says sounding serious and you can't help but smile and actually laugh a bit about your silliness now. ''So where are we going?'' you ask excited and Wilhemina sits back down on her side carrying on eating. ''Well'' she hesitates whether to actually spoil the surprise but part of her can't hold it in any longer. ''I won't tell you but you have wanted to go there for a while'' Wilhemina says with a smile and you have no idea what exactly she means but you are beyond excited to go with her. ''When are we going?'' you ask feeling more and more excited by the minute. ''Tomorrow'' she says which takes you by surprise even more. ''Wait what?'' you exclaim happily, still not able to process. ''Yes pack your bags later princess our flight is tomorrow morning'' and you gulp for a second thinking about being on an airplane. ''Wait we are flying?'' you ask nervously and Wilhemina places her hand on top of yours and gives you a sweet smile. ''Yes we are'' she says and for the entire evening you can't hold back your excitement about going somewhere special with Wilhemina. Your girlfriend sits on the armchair in the bedroom and you get two travel bags out and put them on the bed. ''So how many days are we going?'' you ask excited and Wilhemina tells you she has a weekend trip booked because you both gotta go back to work on Wednesday. ''Awesome'' you say and start packing, as it is spring you decide to pack some outfits that work with both warm and colder weather. For Wilhemina you pack a dress incase you would go somewhere fancy, a suit , blouse, some of her heels and other necessities. In your bag you pack some sweaters, shirts, a dress and your favorite Gucci boots Wilhemina got you before. It's about 11 pm when you finished packing and you are both lying bed completely exhausted and it doesn't take long for you both to fall asleep in each others arms. 

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