Online Schooling Part II

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TW: panic attack

It has now been around one month since you and Wilhemina have made your relationship official. Well no one knows about it considering you have no one to share those news with but you know now that Wilhemina is your girlfriend and it makes you the happiest person alive. Whenever you think back to the situation you remember how silly you were for being upset and not just talking with her about your feelings but you still struggle with that. This week has been quite hard because Wilhemina has to work more hours and stay at work longer because their graphic designer has been fired for doing an absolute awful job and they are trying to hire someone else and considering Jeff and Mutt being absolute crackheads Wilhemina has to do most of the work so you are alone a lot. But today is actually your last day of online schooling which is exciting. You have finished your whole schedule for the past few weeks and you caught up on everything that you have missed while you were in hospital and rehab. Your essay is also finished since a few days although it took a lot of sleepless nights finishing it due to the complexity. Wilhemina was always supportive and offering help even after having a long and exhausting day at work and you appreciate here even more for those thing. ''Hello Y/N'' you hear a familiar voice coming from your laptop. ''Good morning Miss Stevens'' you answer with a smile. ''Well today is our last lesson sadly'' she explains and you nod. ''I have received your schedule and essay and you will hear your results in about a weeks time'' she explains. ''Okay thank you Miss Stevens'' you answer and she gives you a soft smile and adds ''Anything for you darling'' before ending the video call. You stare at your screen for a moment after hearing her say those words. ''I mean it's normal right?'' you question while making your way to the kitchen to make some lunch. You shake the thoughts away and you let out a sigh finally you finished your classes and hopefully your degree so you could be looking into jobs now. For some reason it makes you nervous thinking about actually working somewhere. With your degree you can easily get a small teaching job or something to do with social media or publishing but for some reason you are more interested in something to do with art but you but know it's hard finding jobs in that field right now. You are distracted when you hear your phone ring so you quickly pick it up with a smile after seeing Mina is calling. ''Hello Mina'' you say with a smile. ''Hey sweetheart, um listen have you finished online school?'' she asks sounding a bit stressed ''Yes I finished sending all my work this morning so I am officially done just waiting for the results'' you explain ''Okay perfect, listen can you do me favor, I forgot some work files in my office, can you drop them off please?'' she asks and you answer ''Of course'' while making your way to her office. She instructs you which files she needs so you grab them and Matthew is already waiting out front. You are glad that you are actually dressed well considering how urgent this sounds, you are excited to see Mina because you have missed her in the last week. She was so busy with work and whenever she came home you were still busy with online school so you hardly spent any time together and even the weekend was filled with school and Wilhemina having to work from home so you look forward to the following weekend hoping it will be more relaxed. 

After a while you arrive in the familiar building and you make your way to Wilhemina's office. On the way there you see two people walking past you, one of them a woman dressed in a skirt and blouse with brown hair and a man with a grey suit and short grey hair. ''Hahah yeah did you see how she tapped her cane when you said that to her'' they laugh and you can tell they must be talking about Wilhemina considering she is the only one with a cane here. ''Yes today must be a stressful day for the cane lady'' they say and with that you have enough and turn around to them ''Excuse me'' you say and they turn around with shocked expression. ''Is this how you talk about someone who has a physical condition, you make fun of her?'' you say trying hard not to shout. ''And who may you be?'' the man asks not really bothering what you are saying ''Y/N?'' you suddenly hear Wilhemina behind you and as the man and woman hear the familiar cane tapping they flinch. ''Is everything okay here?'' Wilhemina asks you concerned because she can tell how upset you are. You nod not wanting to cause a scene or for Wilhemina to hear what they actually said. ''Sorry we didn't mean to upset you Miss'' the woman says with fear written across her face. ''Won't happen again'' the man adds and they give Wilhemina an apologetic nod before leaving. ''Come on'' Wilhemina says and you follow her to her office still mad at how people would talk behind your girlfriends back about her. After sitting down you hand her the files and she can tell something is on your mind assuming what her coworkers said. ''What did they say?'' she asks and you look at her and you can't bring yourself to actually repeat what they said. ''They were saying things about you'' you say a tear threatening to escape your eyes. ''Hey it's okay'' Wilhemina says and takes a seat next to you, caressing your cheeks with her thumb. ''It's not though'' you say a tear now rolling down your cheek. ''I'm used to people talking and as long as they don't do it when I am around I don't care'' Wilhemina admits and looks down ''Hey but it's still not okay they should never talk about you like this'' you reassure her and she gives you small smile and kiss. ''Thank you for defending me little one'' she says and returns to her desk. ''So how are things?'' you ask being able to tell that today must have been stressful for your girlfriend. ''Since Jeffry left we really have trouble finding replacement and we have a dozen orders but no one to design them for us'' Wilhemina explains frustrated and you suddenly have an idea. ''Mina?'' you ask ''What if I give it a go? I know I am not experienced but if you show me the software I am sure I can work my way around it'' you explain and Wilhemina looks up with wide eyes at your genius idea. ''That's brilliant but are you sure Y/N?'' she asks not wanting to bother you ''Of course, I have nothing to do til I get my results anyway so let's go'' you say eagerly and Wilhemina sighs relieved because some of the stress she has felt in the last week is finally leaving her. ''Come on I'll take you'' she explains and takes you to the room she has shown you before. You take a seat at one of the tables and she explains the software and how the printers and things around here work. ''I will go and clear it with my bosses, if you need me just dial my number from this phone'' she explains and points towards a phone at the desk. ''Of course'' you say only half listening because you are already completely lost in figuring out the software and reading into some of the orders people have placed. Wilhemina chuckles before walking to Jeff and Mutt's office. She knocks and after they ask her inside she steps inside, the tapping of her cane echoing through the room. ''How can we help Miss Venable?'' they ask while sniffing some drugs. ''Listen as we are in need of a graphic designer I have found us someone to temporary replace Jeffry''. They both look up from their computers and look at Venable ''Oh that's good who is it'' they ask and Wilhemina takes a breath before saying ''Her name is Y/N you have met her here before and I expect you both to stay away from her'' Wilhemina snaps before tapping her cane on the floor again and making her way back over to you.

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