Hospital Part II

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It is now just after dinner time and for the first time in a very long while you have managed to eat the full meal which is a surprise considering as of last week the tray was mostly still full. Today it left the nurse bringing the meals in and out with a smile and she told you how well you did for eating the whole thing. You even managed to speak to your therapist a little when she did her rounds, she was surprised that you actually spoke to her. It makes you happy that you have someone in your life that cares about you, Miss Stevens. The clothes she gave you fit perfectly and you didn't notice how you still have her blue jacket and forgot to give it back before she left earlier. As you look at the sunset out your window you wanna go outside again on your own. After all you are allowed and you want to feel the cold air and just take everything in maybe even sit by the little fountain you saw earlier so you decide to make your way out of bed. You told the nurses just incase they would end up looking for you and as you get into the elevator a part of you wishes to see the beautiful red head again that you almost ran into earlier. You have no idea why but she has been on your mind the whole day. 

Meanwhile one floor above:

After Wilhemina came back from her walk she stayed in her wheelchair all day because it felt more comfortable than the bed and the doctor allowed it saying as long as she sits up straight it can help her spine and it's better because she can move around. It was hard at first but Wilhemina is slowly getting used to using the wheelchair. Even though the nurses told her to call her if she needs to go anywhere or need help obviously the redhead is figuring out everything on her own as usual. She is looking out the window and can see the pretty sunset and part of her feels a longing to go outside again to be around strangers even if she won't talk to them or anything she just wants to be around people and take deep breaths in the beautiful chilly air. She wonders what the nurses would think about this considering she was only allowed out with someone but she doesn't wanna bother them knowing they will be busy after it was just dinner with the dishes and trays. So she opens her door as quiet as possible and peaks her head around the corners. There is no one to be seen anywhere so she quickly puts her hands on the wheels and starts rolling them. She is moving at quite a fast speed down the grey hallway and she can reach the elevator. She is so close but suddenly she is stopped by a nurse in front of her giving her a disapproving look. ''Miss Venable'' she says crossing her arms. Wilhemina can feel her cheeks slightly blushing from embarrassment and she clears her throat saying: ''Look I only want some fresh air I promise I won't roll off anywhere, besides you are all so busy I don't wanna keep you''. The nurse looks around and they really are busy so she just nods. ''Don't make me regret this Miss Venable'' she says as she walks into a patients room. ''I won't'' Wilhemina mouths and makes her way to the elevator. She presses the buttons somewhat impatiently because she just wants to get out of here.

Meanwhile in the elevator:

You press the button of the elevator and you are confused as it is going up a floor. ''Ugh someone pressing the buttons uncontrollably again'' you think to yourself and roll your eyes. It takes a while to reach the floor above yours and the elevator slowly comes to an end and the door open slowly. You look at the floor but all of a sudden you see wheels and look up to see the redhead that you saw earlier just sitting there her jaw slightly dropping at the sight of you but then just remaining a cold face and getting inside pressing the button to the bottom floor. As the door closes you can feel your heart beating faster seeing her just in front of you like this. You feel the need to say something but it feels like there is a big lump in your throat keeping you to do so. It takes a while and as you are almost on the bottom floor you clear your throat and quietly say ''I am really sorry about earlier Miss''. Wilhemina turns her head slightly but immediately regrets it as she feels the pain from her back. She flinches and you approach her a bit asking if she is okay. She simply nods and as the door opens you fear you won't see her again but she is also heading for the exit to the park and gardens so you just follow her sort of awkwardly. You are behind her and she is rolling at an impressive speed towards the fountain the same place you wanted to go to. ''Um I was also going over there, would you like me to push you there?'' you ask shyly. Wilhemina stops pushing the wheelchair and as her arms and hands feel exhausted she just nods slightly giving you permission. You put your hand on the handles and start pushing her, you never pushed a wheelchair and expected it to be harder but you manage to do fine. As you approach the fountain you position her by a bench so you can sit next to her and she can see both you and the fountain. ''Thank you'' she mouths and you just smile at her. ''My name is Y/N by the way'' you manage to say after a few moments of silence. ''My name is Wilhemina Venable'' she answers still looking at the fountain. ''That's a beautiful name'' you think to yourself but don't manage to say that. For some reason the woman sitting next to you takes your breath and quite literally words away. Wilhemina wants to talk to you but her pride is too strong after you almost ran into her earlier. The air is quite chilly and because Wilhemina is only in her gown she shivers a bit. You notice and immediately take your blue Jacket from Miss Stevens off and put it around her. For a moment Wilhemina jumps a bit from not expecting this reaction. As she looks at you she can see the bandages on your wrists. She wants to ask but she doesn't want to make anything weird or hurt you by asking. ''You don't have to do that'' she says trying to give back the jacket but you insist. ''I know it's not purple but you know it will keep you warm'' you say and smile at her. Wilhemina is confused for a second ''How do you know?'' she asks but looking down at her purple gown and shoes she quickly understands and a small smile escapes her lips. You notice the smile and this is the first time you have seen Wilhemina smile at all. One part of you wants to ask her why she is here and more about her story but instead you chose to remain quiet and a comfortable silence fills around you two. 

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