Relapse Part II

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TW: mention of suicide, self harm, depression, smut (mommy kink😉)

The next morning you wake up and open your eyes, it's bright outside and you can hear the birds tweeting and to your surprise you are still wrapped in your girlfriends arms and your eyes go wide a moment panicking thinking Wilhemina overslept and missed work. You carefully move your head up and shake her shoulders a few times. ''Mina.. Mina you overslept, you will be late for work'' you say panicking and Wilhemina opens her eyes and after rubbing them for a second and looking at you she can't help but smile. ''What's so funny?'' you say confused why she isn't equally panicking at the fact she missed work. ''Relax little one I took a day off today'' she explains and pulls you back into her embrace. ''But why?'' you ask confused but relieved that she didn't sleep in after all. ''I thought it would be good to take care of you, you know be there for you'' she says and you feel both grateful and warm inside considering Wilhemina being so thoughtful but at the same time you are worried to spend an entire day with her because you have those new fresh scars that are aching underneath the fabric of your jacket. ''Thank you'' you mumble somewhat lost in your thoughts again. Wilhemina strokes your long hair and plays with it for a while before asking ''What would you like to do today little one?'' and your heart feels warm whenever she would call you that and you would feel butterflies. ''Um I am not sure'' you say trying to think of things to do. You are both interrupted when you hear a loud growl coming from your stomach ''Someone is hungry?'' she asks with a smile and you nod a bit embarrassed at the loud sound coming from you. ''Let's get breakfast'' she suggests and you both walk to the kitchen together but you are still in your clothes from yesterday and it's starting to make you feel uncomfortable. ''Mina is it okay if I take a quick shower?'' you ask and she turns to you and says ''Of course darling, do you need me to get you anything?'' but you shake your head and smile as a thank you and walk to the bathroom. Before getting in the shower you quickly get some towels and clothes and then you lock the door because you wanna make sure this time Wilhemina won't walk in on you. As the warm water hits your skin you flinch a bit and for the first time since yesterday you notice what you have done. There are small but deep scars on most of your forearm and they are still quite red and some dried up blood drips down the shower and you watch it going into the drain. As you wash your hair and body you feel awful that you haven't told Wilhemina yet but you are scared of her reaction. The first time you ever told her and showed her your scars at the hospital she was very understanding and nice about it but the difference is this time you did it while being in a relationship and you know she would not be fond of you doing it. ''What if she sends me back to rehab and therapy?'' you think to yourself unsure of what to do next. Part of you hoped Miss Stevens could have given you some advice yesterday but obviously that was no use. As she crosses your mind you feel both mad and also sad because you used to think that Miss Stevens was someone who you could talk to and it felt like she was the only person apart from Mina left that you could maybe call a friend but obviously that didn't turn out well. You are confused why she would have kissed you after all you did notice her being all over you at the party and wanting to dance but you thought after telling her you have a girlfriend she would back off. Before meeting Wilhemina a few years ago you would sometimes daydream about Miss Stevens but that was long gone and you never even showed her any affection and there is no way you could have given her the wrong impression. Even though Wilhemina reacted the way she did you know you have hurt her through your actions and you wanna make it better so you debate what you and Mina could do today on your day off. Part of you feels ready to go to work again tomorrow and you wanna ask her about it. To you it doesn't make sense to just stay at home all day especially without Wilhemina because it only gives you space and the opportunity for the bad thoughts to take over and working and distracting yourself is probably a good idea. After washing your body and stepping out the shower you quickly dry yourself and put some clothes on. You decided to ask Mina if she wants to go on a walk with you or something so you put a skirt, a sweater and some tights on. As you walk out of the bathroom a sweet smell hits your nose and you follow it into the kitchen. ''I made some pancakes'' Wilhemina says proudly and you sit down in front of the food and you can feel your mouth watering at the sight. ''That looks and smells delicious'' you admit and you can't wait for her to sit down so you can start eating. After she sits down you take a few bites and a small moan escapes your mouth causing you to blush and Wilhemina to look up into your direction. ''That nice yeah?'' she teases and you can't help but start laughing causing your girlfriend to do the same. ''So um Mina I was thinking could we maybe go on a walk or something I would like to be out today'' you say and after thinking about it for a moment Wilhemina says ''Of course my love, there is this place I have been dying to take you'' and you feel the excitement building up. ''Can't wait'' you smile and after eating Wilhemina also gets dressed and you clean the dishes. 

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