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TW: depression, attempted suicide, car accident

You wake up to the sound of beeping machines around you and slowly try to open your eyes but you close them again immediately after seeing the bright lights coming in through the window next to you. You try to think and remember what happened, where you are and who you are but your mind is blank, there is nothing no memories or anything. In a second attempt you try to open your eyes again and they slowly start to adjust to the light. As your eyes wander around the room you quickly realize that you are in hospital and you are attached to some machines- now you know where those beeping noises come from. You feel pain in your arms and as you look down to your wrists they are covered in bandages. There is no one in the room with you, you don't seem to have a roommate, instead you do notice a button which you think about pressing for a second but you something inside you tells you not to. Your eyes feel heavy and you close them and a few seconds later you are fast asleep again.

''Y/N? Y/N oh my god'' you hear a voice shouting and a person trying to lift your arms up. But it's not just anyone it's Ms. Stevens. You hear her calling for help and eventually some more people come rushing through the room. After a few minutes you feel someone lifting you up, then you remember someone wrapping something around your arms. It stings and hurts but you feel numb and can't really feel pain properly. You feel as if you are moving in a car or something and when you hear sirens your subconsciousness figures out that you must be in an ambulance. But why? why were you in a school bathroom with your English teacher and why are you now in an ambulance probably on your way to the hospital? Oh- Julie. Slowly memories come rushing through your brain and you remember the events of the last few days.  

The nurse just comes in to change your bandages but notices you are moving a lot and you seem to be waking up so she calls for a doctor. He checks your vitals and the machines and tries to wake you up. ''Miss Y/L/N can you hear me?'' he asks and now you wake up from this nightmare? reality? memory? you have no idea. You slowly open your eyes and the room is less bright now than before. You see a tall man with grey hair standing in front of you, looking at you concerned and feeling your pulse. ''How are you feeling Miss?'' he asks. ''I'm feeling okay but my arms hurt'' you reply. ''Do you remember what happened?'' he asks and you simply nod, feeling a bit embarrassed and not wanting to talk about it. He must have noticed because after doing some checks on you he left again. The nurse checked if you wanted some food which you happily agreed to considering your belly is rumbling. They brought you something ''light'' which is soup and bread which you absolutely hate, but you still eat some anyway. You try and distract yourself by watching the tv which is located on the wall across you and with headphones you can listen to the channels. It's nothing interesting and after taking some pills one of the nurses brought you earlier you quickly fall asleep again. 

Meanwhile one floor above:

Wilhemina wakes up to the sound of beeping machines around her and she opens her eyes slowly, the beeping instantly reminds her of her annoying alarm clock so she tries to hit it with her hand but then notices that she isn't asleep in her bedroom or bed for that matter. She starts panicking a little after finding she is in a hospital room and she wants to pull the IV tubes out and sit up but as she tries to do that she feels an excruciating pain in her back. She instantly lies back down and a few nurses come rushing in after hearing her cry out in pain. ''Miss Venable are you okay?'' they ask and try and help her to be comfortable again. She looks at them and is confused. Who are these people? why am I in hospital? and why is my back hurting like that? But being Wilhemina Venable she doesn't just think these questions she asks them out loud in quite a rude manner. The nurses look at her slightly confused and decide to just get the doctor so he can check on her and explain her everything. Shortly after a tall man with grey hair comes in to check on her. ''How are you feeling Miss Venable?'' he asks. ''How does it look like?'' she snaps back. He tries to ignore it and checks her vitals. ''What happened?'' she asks again demanding for answers. ''Miss Venable you have had a car accident, do you have any memory of that?'' he asks and Wilhemina shakes her head. ''Um unfortunately your spine has suffered from the accident and we call this Scoliosis, are you familiar with the term?'' he asks and Wilhemina looks at him confused. ''I thought that's a genetic disease?'' she asks. ''It can be yes but also caused through accidents, your accident was pretty bad and we are trying everything, for now you can not leave the bed, you need to rest'' he says and leaves the room. The nurses brings Miss Venable some painkillers and food. It's soup and some bread and although she hates being here right now she does like soup so she eats it and after taking the painkillers she quickly falls asleep.

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