Kineros Robotics

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TW: substance abuse, car accident, slight sexual assault?

(Quick Disclaimer: I kind of changed Venable storyline so it makes more sense- just go with it pls)

''Miss R/L/N come here now'' Miss Venable hears a few nurses shout in the distance. She was just going to get dinner exiting her room when she heard some shouting so she is now walking towards that direction her cane hitting the floor hard as she is trying to rush. Suddenly she sees you running across the corner your head turned in the other direction, probably checking if you outrun the nurses. You are approaching faster and before Wilhemina can warn you you crash into her and she sees you hit your head on the floor in front of her. ''Y/N'' Wilhemina asks carefully but you are already passed out.

One month before: 

Venable is woken up by a loud noise, she despises the sound of her alarm clock and every morning she has to control herself not to break the damn thing on her night stand. She slowly gets up and walks towards the bathroom taking a long warm shower. These help her in the morning to wake up easier and be more awake throughout the day. After getting out the shower, a towel still wrapped around her she looks at her body in the mirror. She has always had low self esteem and didn't like her body a lot. Although there is nothing wrong with it she doesn't like her appearance. But she wanted to change so this morning she decideses to change things up a bit. On her way out of her mostly purple apartment she grabs her keys and leaves the building.  

Wilhemina is just making her way to Kineros Robotics. She started working there a while ago as the assistant for Jeff and Mutt. She hates those drug addicts but they respect her at least when she is present and that's enough for the red headed woman. She walks inside and as she passes a mirror she approves of her appearance for the first time in a while. She decided to wear her hair half up half down today and put on her favorite color purple. She is wearing a a suit.  As she approached the office of her employers she can hear them talk about her. She stops at the door so she can listen to what they are saying. 

''Hopefully Venny doesn't bother us too much today''Jeff says and makes sniffing noises probably doing cocaine again. ''I know right, I hate that woman, why did we hire her again?'' Mutt answers doing the same noises. For some reason those two always do drugs, Miss Venable has yet to find out the reason for their behavior. As she hears them talking about her tears form in her eyes and she is pulled back into painful flashbacks from when she was a teenager. 

''Venny what the hell are you wearing today'' one of her classmates shouts across the hall while Wilhemina stands by her locker. The whole school goes quiet and it feels like everyones eyes are on her just getting her books ready for her lesson. Wilhemina is used to bullying at this point, her appearance the red hair always in a high ponytail, the purple clothes and the glasses are reasons enough for people to pick at her. She eventually had no one to turn to anymore. The classmates walk over and crowd Wilhemina by her locker. ''Your such a nerd we hate you'' they shout at her and Wilhemina closes her eyes hoping it ends soon. They start emptying her bag and locker throwing her things across the hallway. Only when a teacher showed up they stopped and Wilhemina was holing in the tears while walking into the bathroom just sobbing. 

Throughout the years Wilhemina tried to become more intimidating so people wouldn't pick on her but it's clearly not working otherwise she wouldn't be standing in front of her bosses office, a tear streaming down her cheek. She takes a deep breath, wipes the tear away and knocks on the door. ''Come in'' Mutt answers and with that Wilhemina steps inside. They don't bother to look up or check who it is as the drugs are now in their system and they can only half process what is going on around them. Wilhemina feels uncomfortable just standing there so she clears her throat to get their attention. Jeff turns around and as he sees her his face lights up ''Dear Venny what can we do for you'' he says and walks over to her. ''You may address me with Miss Venable'' she says almost whispering. ''Ah come on Babe'' Jeff says and puts his arm around her. Wilhemina tries to escape his touch but he holds onto her tighter. ''Yes Venny let loose a bit'' Mutt answers from the other side of the room. Eventually Wilhemina manages to escape her bosses touch and takes a few steps back. ''So what may I assist you with today?'' she asks. 

Mutt turns to Jeff and they both smirk, they are now both approaching her saying

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Mutt turns to Jeff and they both smirk, they are now both approaching her saying. ''Well first of all how about you give us a nice'' he stops talking and gestures for Wilhemina to pleasure them. She fells disgusted by them and her face is clearly showing that. ''Ah come on dear'' Mutt says and wraps his arms around her once again his hand making his way to her breasts. She quickly escapes his touch and rushes out the office. ''Assholes'' she thinks to herself and leaves the office building. Jeff and Mutt just stand there laughing not processing what they just did as the cocaine is rushing through their system. Tears are rushing down Wilhemina's face and she basically runs outside the building feeling so uncomfortable. As she rushes to her car she doesn't really notice what is going on around her and all she can hear is a loud bang and she can feel a sharp pain in her back. Next thing she knows she can see people looking at her with shocked expressions, one of them picking up his phone. Everything slowly goes black and she losses conciseness. 

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