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TW: drugs (being drugged)

You have been working for exactly a week now and it is now Friday and all morning at work you couldn't concentrate and you have been staring at your phone waiting for the results of your exams and essays. Miss Stevens said she would call with the results at some point today and tomorrow is also the Party at college and you are nervous. You keep trying to distract yourself with working but it doesn't work. The fact that you only have to work till lunchtime today and you and Wilhemina decided to go shopping for the party tomorrow, can't even make the nervousness go away. All you have to do today is finish two orders and bring them over to Jeff and Mutt and you still have hours til lunch but you wanna finish so you dig into work and draw the requests. You start on the first one and it's a young woman with blonde long hair, green eyes and a delicate figure and you quite like the way your sketch turned out and you are quite proud of the details because they requested tattoos and some scars on different body parts. After a while the phone rings and you pick it up eagerly your heart feeling like it might explode. ''Y/N?'' you hear the familiar voice of your english teacher ''Yes hello Miss Stevens?'' you ask nervously and shaking while holding the phone. ''Aww are you nervous sweetheart?'' she asks and you answer ''Yes can you tell me the results please?'' you ignored her calling you that because Mina is the only one who is allowed to call you that. ''Well you passed everything with A's congratulations, see you tomorrow'' she says and you hang up the phone. ''Oh my god'' you think while a huge smile spreads across your face. After doing a little dance by your desk you walk over to Wilhemina's office and knock but you don't even wait for her to answer because you are this excited. ''I passed Mina I passed with A's'' you exclaim happily and Wilhemina feels so proud for everything you have achieved since she has met you. ''Congratulations my darling'' she says and pulls you into a hug. ''I'm so proud of you'' she adds and your smile grows even bigger. ''I actually have a present for you, kinda like a graduation gift but you can't have it until tomorrow'' she says happily and you think about what it could be. Wilhemina's work phone rings and she has to pick it up so you nod and smile and walk back to your desk still so happy about what just happened. After making your way back to your desk and seeing you have two hours for the other sketch to finish you find a cup with warm tea on your desk and assume it was probably Wilhemina ordering someone to bring it to you because you love tea. You take a few sips and start working on the sketch this time one of a man, middle age.

Wilhemina is beyond proud of you and she is looking forward to go to that party with you tomorrow although she knows it won't be easy for you but she will stay with you the entire time and make sure you are comfortable. She is also looking forward to go shopping with you later and buy some nice clothes for tomorrow. For a long time she thought what she could get you as a graduation gift and she has the perfect one. She talked to her bosses and they agreed to give the open graphic designer position to you if you want it because you are amazing at the job and way better then the person doing it before you. In the matter of weeks you managed to get your way around the programmes and softwares without even technically being qualified enough. Jeff and Mutt didn't mind and although Wilhemina was worried they would have the wrong intentions they did seem genuine about hiring you and actually paying you enough. To be honest the older woman likes having you around and it's not only due to the reason she likes having you close or knowing where you are so she gets to be in control, she likes having you around because you make her days more bearable. It's finally lunch time so Wilhemina packs her bag and makes her way over to your desk. She is surprised to not see you anywhere so she walks inside and assumes maybe you went to find her because you finished early. She walks back to her office but you aren't there either and after checking Jeff and Mutts office she decides to text you. 

Mina 💜 😈 : Hey love, where are you? 

You: Mina pls help, bathroom

As Wilhemina sees this message she rushes to the employees bathroom not sure what to expect, maybe you got on your period or something and needed help with that but as she opens the bathroom door she finds you sitting on the lid the toilet, you are completely pale and look as if you are going to pass out any second. She lifts your chin up so you look into her eyes ''Y/N what happened?'' she asks panicking but by looking into your eyes she can tell something must be going on this is no panic attack or you just being sick. ''I-'' you try and find your words and you try and concentrate. ''I was in my office and -'' but you can't even finish your sentence because before you try to explain, everything goes black and you pass out. It's a good thing you were sitting on the toilet because Wilhemina caught you so you wouldn't face plant into the floor, she quickly called an ambulance and they arrived shortly after. Most people left work already so it didn't cause a big scene and no one really noticed what happened. Wilhemina explains to the paramedics how she found you and they do some tests before saying ''Has she ever taken drugs before?''and Wilhemina's heart stops for a second, she doesn't wanna lie to them but she doesn't wanna get you into any trouble either. ''Not that I know why?'' she asks concerned. ''We aren't sure but this might be drugs'' they explain and put her into the ambulance. ''She needs to be checked out in the hospital by some doctors and they have to run some tests'' they explain and Wilhemina is already following the ambulance with Matthew driving her. ''What happened Miss Venable?'' he asks concerned. ''I don't know I found her and she passed out, they said something to do with drugs'' she says coldly trying to figure out what happened. ''Surely she wouldn't have taken anything Miss'' Matthew adds and Wilhemina says ''Not knowingly no, she was so happy about passing her exams'' thats when the older woman figures it out, you would have never taken anything apart from if someone gave something to you without you noticing. She is terrified after arriving at the hospital and she rushes inside trying to find someone who will guide her to you. ''May I help you Miss?'' a nurse asks and Wilhemina explains she is trying to find you. ''Oh of course follow me'' she says and Wilhemina follows close behind her cane hitting the floor hard. ''Miss please wait here'' she instructs and Mina sits down on a bench waiting for what is happening. 

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