As good as new

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We are still in the party from Hotel Bella Donna and at the moment as Ruby and Fernando kissing. Ruby looks to him smiling and Fernando looks to Ruby with a smile too. Sophie looks still confused

"Uhm...grandma? You...and... Mr. Cienfuegos?"

Ruby looks to her

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow!"

Fernando hold her hand and whisper to her:

"come..we go to my house."

He smiles. Ruby smiles to him too

"of course Fernando..."

then they go immediately to his car and drives to his little blue house what is next to the hotel. Its a really little blue house but its very comfortable. Ruby looks around as they are in

" this your house?"

Fernando laughs

"sure...but I know..its really little.."

shrugs with his shoulders and Ruby walks to him

"but place for us two."

She smiles and turns her arms around his neck and they kisses passionately. Fernando sings then after the kiss

"As good as love for you..."

he strokes over her cheek and ruby smiles and sings then too

"And keeping it that way is my intention...and good as new and growing too..."

Fernando smiles and takes her hand and walks slowly to the bedroom

"yes I think its taking on a new dimension"

he leans against the wall and Ruby comes to him and strokes over his overbody on his jacket

"its as good as new, my love for you.."

she takes his hands and makes her fingers around his

"Just like it used be and even better..."

Fernando sings too

"As good as new, thank God it's true, darling, we were always meant to stay..."

their faces comes really close and both sings


then they kiss and both sleeps together in Fernandos bed.
Its next morning and a little piece from Hasta Manana is playing. Ruby and Fernando walking down to the beach and Sophie stands in the near and watching them. She is still waiting for Ruby's explaining but she let them time. Tanya walks down on the steps and sees Sophie, a bit confused why she is already awake even though she fall asleep at 3 a.m. because of the party.

"Hey Sophie"

say Tanya and Sophie turns around to her

"Oh hey Tanya"

she smiles

"why are you awake already? Its 7 a.m."

Tanya laughs

"Ohhh I can't sleep because I want drink some wine and know me...but..why are you already awake?"

Sophie sighs

"I wanted already tidy up the things here from the party and I saw then grandma with Mr. Cienfuegos walking down to the beach and I'm still waiting for her explanation."

Tanya lies her hand on Sophies shoulder

"Ohhh don't worry...she will say that to you...I think she needs time to say that because its difficult. Okay I need wine. Do you want wine too?"

Sophie shakes  her head

"Oh but thank you" she smiles.

Ruby and Fernando are walking on the beach, hand in hand. Fernando looks to her

"I have finally you back...I thought everytime about you and I can't believe that I meet you again after so many years."

He smiles. Ruby smiles to him too

"me too..believe the meantime happens so much..I thought you are dead...and..I cry everytime but I saw you yesterday...was it not are here..and the same person."

Fernando laughs quiet and they stands in front of the water and Ruby lies her head on Fernandos shoulder. Fernando asks then

"May I ask what happens in the meantime?"

Ruby nods

"after when you go to war..I was married to a man...but..I was never happy with him..I was always thinking about you..."

she sighs

"with this man I got Donna was 2 years old we only argue because I was never at home.. I was in the world..and this was my dream..a singer..a famous singer..and I hate it that Donna wanted always something from me...and my ex husband Donna was 5 years old he die..he die because of suicide"

Fernando looks to her worried and strokes over her back

"Oh..I'm sorry for your lost."

Ruby looks to him

"thank you...but..I never love him...I thought I can love a other man after you...but I was wrong.. when I was on tour I always thinking about the funeral from him I don't cry..I was more happy that he was away.."

she sighs

"and now I repent it so much that I don't care of a real mother..I was only at tour.."

she makes her tears away. Fernando strokes over her cheeks

"don't you can make it all good again...Sophie is pregnant and you can play the great grandmother now."

Ruby looks to him and enjoys his touchness and close enjoying her eyes and looks to him again

"but what about you? Are you not sad that you are not the great grandfather?"

Fernando shakes his head

"No..absolutely not. The mainthing is that you are happy as a great grandmother and that I have you now."

Ruby smiles and both kisses passionately, both are only happy that they are together again after so many years....

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